GL Studio API
GlsMatrixAffine< Type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for GlsMatrixAffine< Type >, including all inherited members.

_dataGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >protected
_matrixGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >protected
Clear()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >inline
closeValues(Type lv, Type rv) constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >protected
Data()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >inline
Data() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >inline
Determinant() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
Dump() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
GlsMatrix()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
GlsMatrix(const CStyleMatrix m)GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
GlsMatrix(const Type *m)GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
GlsMatrix(const GlsMatrix< Type, DIM > &m)GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
GlsMatrixAffine()GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
GlsMatrixAffine(const Type m[4][4])GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
GlsMatrixAffine(const Type *m)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
GlsMatrixAffine(const GlsMatrix< Type, 4 > &m)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
Initialize()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >protected
Inverse() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
Invert()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsDiagonal() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsIdentity() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsLowerTriangular() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsScalar() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsSingular() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsSkewSymmetric() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsSymmetric() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsUpperTriangular() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
IsVeryClose(const GlsMatrix< Type, 4 > &b) const GlsMatrixAffine< Type >inline
MakeIdentity()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
operator*(const Vector &v) const GlsMatrixAffine< Type >inline
Pivot(unsigned row)GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >protected
PRECISIONGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >protectedstatic
Rotate(Type angle, RotationAxis axis)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
Rotate(Type angle, const Vector &centerOfRotation, RotationAxis axis)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
Rotate(Type angle, const Vector &centerOfRotation, const Vector &axis)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
Scale(Type x, Type y, Type z)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
Scale(Type x, Type y, Type z, const Vector &anchor)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >
Transform(Vector &v) const GlsMatrixAffine< Type >inline
Translate(Type x, Type y, Type z)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >inline
Translate(const Vector &v)GlsMatrixAffine< Type >inline
Transpose()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
Transposition() constGlsMatrix< Type, 4 >
~GlsMatrix()GlsMatrix< Type, 4 >virtual
~GlsMatrixAffine()GlsMatrixAffine< Type >