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FontPalette Class Reference

Public Member Functions

bool operator== (FontPalette &rhs)
bool operator!= (FontPalette &rhs)
bool isNULL (void)
std::vector< string > GetAvailableFonts (void)
std::vector< FontGetReferencedFonts (void)
std::vector< FontGetAdditionalFonts (void)
bool RemoveAdditionalFontKey (String fontKey)
bool RemoveAdditionalFont (Font &font)
bool AddAdditionalFont (Font &font)
bool AddFontGlyphRange (Font &font, unsigned int start, unsigned int end)
bool RemoveFontGlyphRange (Font &font, unsigned int start, unsigned int end)
bool RemoveUnicodeFontRanges (Font &font)

Public Attributes

newobject GetAvailableFonts
newobject GetReferencedFonts
newobject GetAdditionalFonts

Detailed Description

Python extension for the FontPalette editor class.

Member Function Documentation

bool FontPalette::AddAdditionalFont ( Font font)

Adds a font to the Additional Fonts list of the document.

fontthe font to be added
boolean representing whether a font has been added or not
bool FontPalette::AddFontGlyphRange ( Font font,
unsigned int  start,
unsigned int  end 

Adds the specified range to the given unicode font.

fontthe font to be modified
startthe starting value for the range, min 256, max 65534
endthe ending value for the range, min 256, max 65534
boolean representing whether the glyph range could be added or not
std::vector<Font> FontPalette::GetAdditionalFonts ( void  )

Gets the list of Additional Fonts fonts referenced by the document.

a vector of Fonts references by the document
std::vector<string> FontPalette::GetAvailableFonts ( void  )

Gets the list of fonts available to the editor.

a vector of strings containing the available font family names
std::vector<Font> FontPalette::GetReferencedFonts ( void  )

Gets the list of fonts referenced by the document.

a vector of Fonts references by the document
bool FontPalette::isNULL ( void  )

determine if font palette does not exist.

True if this object represents a NULL font palette
Refer to the Truth Value Checking page
bool FontPalette::operator!= ( FontPalette rhs)

inequality operator.

rhsinstance to compare
bool FontPalette::operator== ( FontPalette rhs)

equality operator.

rhsinstance to compare
bool FontPalette::RemoveAdditionalFont ( Font font)

Removes a font from the Additional Fonts list of the document.

fontthe font to be removed
boolean representing whether a font has been removed or not
bool FontPalette::RemoveAdditionalFontKey ( String  fontKey)

Removes a font from the Additional Fonts list of the document by full name.

fontKeythe key of the font to be removed, such as "ArialRegular12"
boolean representing whether a font has been removed or not
bool FontPalette::RemoveFontGlyphRange ( Font font,
unsigned int  start,
unsigned int  end 

Removes the specified range from the given unicode font.

fontthe font to be modified
startthe starting value for the range
endthe ending value for the range
boolean representing whether the glyph range could be removed or not
bool FontPalette::RemoveUnicodeFontRanges ( Font font)

Removes the font from the list of Unicode fonts, and its set ranges along with it.

Note that it will be re-added with the default range if the font is still in the "Additional Fonts" list.

fontthe font to be modified
boolean representing whether the ranges could be removed or not

Member Data Documentation

newobject FontPalette::GetAdditionalFonts
newobject FontPalette::GetAvailableFonts
newobject FontPalette::GetReferencedFonts

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