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Vertex Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for Vertex:

Public Member Functions

 Vertex ()
 Vertex (float _x, float _y, float _z)
 Vertex (float _x, float _y, float _z, unsigned char _r, unsigned char _g, unsigned char _b, unsigned char _a)
 Vertex (float _x, float _y, float _z, glsColor &_color)
 Vertex (Vertex &_v)
bool operator== (Vector &arg)
bool operator!= (Vector &arg)
 typemap (out) Vertex
Vertex operator- (Vector &arg) const
Vertexoperator-= (Vector &arg)
Vertex operator+ (Vector &arg) const
Vertexoperator+= (Vector &arg)
Vertex operator* (float s) const
Vertexoperator*= (float s)
Vertex operator/ (float s) const
Vertexoperator/= (float s)
Vertex Rotate (float angle)
Vertex Rotate (Vector &orig, float angle)
Vertex Rotate (Vector &orig, float angle, Vector &r)
 typemap (out) Vertex
- Public Member Functions inherited from Vector
 Vector ()
 Vector (float _x, float _y, float _z)
 Vector (Vector &w)
 ~Vector ()
bool operator!= (Vector &arg)
Vector operator- (Vector &arg)
Vector operator-= (Vector &arg)
Vector operator+ (Vector &arg)
Vector operator+= (Vector &arg)
Vector operator* (float s)
Vectoroperator*= (float s)
Vector operator/ (float s)
Vectoroperator/= (float s)
float Distance3 (Vector &v)
float Distance3Squared (Vector &v)
float DistanceFromLineSquared (float startx, float starty, float startz, Vector &direction)
float Distance2Squared (Vector &v)
float Distance2 (Vector &v)
Vector Rotate (float angle)
Vector Rotate (Vector &orig, float angle)
Vector Rotate (Vector &orig, float angle, Vector &r)
void Normalize (void)
float Magnitude ()
float MagnitudeSquared ()
Vector CrossProduct (Vector &w)
float DotProduct (Vector &w)
float AngleToVector (Vector &arg)
bool PointInTriangle (Vector &a, Vector &b, Vector &c)
bool CloseTo (Vector &arg, float tolerance=0.0001f)
float DistanceFromLine (Vector &start, Vector &direction)
Vector ProjectPointToLine (Vector &origin, Vector &direction)

Public Attributes

glsColor color
- Public Attributes inherited from Vector
float x
float y
float z

Detailed Description

GL Studio Vertex.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Vertex::Vertex ( )

Default constructor.

Ensures all values are initialized

Vertex::Vertex ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z 

Position only constructor.

Color values are set to defaults

_xThe X value of the vertex, in logical units
_yThe Y value of the vertex, in logical units
_zThe Z value of the vertex, in logical units
Vertex::Vertex ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z,
unsigned char  _r,
unsigned char  _g,
unsigned char  _b,
unsigned char  _a 

Position and color constructor.

_xThe X value of the vertex, in logical units
_yThe Y value of the vertex, in logical units
_zThe Z value of the vertex, in logical units
_rThe R value of the color of the vertex 0-255
_gThe G value of the color of the vertex 0-255
_bThe B value of the color of the vertex 0-255
_aThe A value of the color of the vertex 0-255
Vertex::Vertex ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z,
glsColor _color 

Position and color constructor.

_xThe X value of the vertex, in logical units
_yThe Y value of the vertex, in logical units
_zThe Z value of the vertex, in logical units
_colorThe value of the color of the vertex
Vertex::Vertex ( Vertex _v)

Copy constructor.

_vThe Vertex to copy from

Member Function Documentation

bool Vertex::operator!= ( Vector arg)
Vertex Vertex::operator* ( float  s) const
Vertex& Vertex::operator*= ( float  s)
Vertex Vertex::operator+ ( Vector arg) const
Vertex& Vertex::operator+= ( Vector arg)
Vertex Vertex::operator- ( Vector arg) const
Vertex& Vertex::operator-= ( Vector arg)
Vertex Vertex::operator/ ( float  s) const
Vertex& Vertex::operator/= ( float  s)
bool Vertex::operator== ( Vector arg)
Vertex Vertex::Rotate ( float  angle)
See also
Vector::Rotate( float ) const;
Vertex Vertex::Rotate ( Vector orig,
float  angle 
See also
Vector::Rotate( Vector&, float ) const;
Vertex Vertex::Rotate ( Vector orig,
float  angle,
Vector r 
See also
Vector::Rotate( Vector&, float, Vector& ) const;
Vertex::typemap ( out  )
Vertex::typemap ( out  )

Member Data Documentation

glsColor Vertex::color

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