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Property Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 Property (String name, String type, String initVal)
 Property (String name, String type, String initVal, bool fillIn, bool memberVarUsed, String memberVarName, bool setMethodUsed, String setMethodName, String setMethodBodyStr, bool getMethodUsed, String getMethodName, String getMethodBodyStr, bool generateBodies, String comment)
String GetName ()
void SetName (String name)
String GetType ()
void SetType (String type)
String GetInitVal ()
void SetInitVal (String initVal)
bool GetFilledIn ()
void SetFilledIn (bool fillIn)
bool GetMemberVarUsed ()
void SetMemberVarUsed (bool memberVarUsed)
String GetMemberVarName ()
void SetMemberVarName (String memberVarName)
bool GetGetMethodUsed ()
void SetGetMethodUsed (bool methodUsed)
String GetGetMethodName ()
void SetGetMethodName (String methodVarName)
String GetGetMethodBodyStr ()
void SetGetMethodBodyStr (String methodBodyStr)
bool GetSetMethodUsed ()
void SetSetMethodUsed (bool methodUsed)
String GetSetMethodName ()
void SetSetMethodName (String methodVarName)
String GetSetMethodBodyStr ()
void SetSetMethodBodyStr (String methodBodyStr)
bool GetPropertyGetterMethodConst ()
void SetPropertyGetterMethodConst (bool isConst)
String GetComment ()
void SetComment (String comment)
String GetUserDefinedAttributeValue (String attributeName)
void SetUserDefinedAttributeValue (String attributeName, String value)

Detailed Description

Python extension to modify code browser properties.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Property::Property ( String  name,
String  type,
String  initVal 

Creates a property with the given initial values set.

nameName of new property
typeType of new property
initValInitial value of new property
Property::Property ( String  name,
String  type,
String  initVal,
bool  fillIn,
bool  memberVarUsed,
String  memberVarName,
bool  setMethodUsed,
String  setMethodName,
String  setMethodBodyStr,
bool  getMethodUsed,
String  getMethodName,
String  getMethodBodyStr,
bool  generateBodies,
String  comment 

Creates a property with the given initial values set.

nameName of new property
typeType of new property
initValInitial value of new property
fillInFlag to auto-fill in property details
memberVarUsedFlag to show if property is a member variable
memberVarNameMember variable name to use
setMethodUsedFlag to show if the set method is used
setMethodNameName of the set method
setMethodBodyStrString containing code for the set method
getMethodUsedFlag to show if the get method is used
getMethodNameName of the get method
getMethodBodyStrString containing code for the get method
generateBodiesFlag to show if method bodies are generated
commentstring Comment regarding the property

Member Function Documentation

String Property::GetComment ( )

Retrieves the comment associated with the property.

String containing the comment
bool Property::GetFilledIn ( )

Retrieves the Filled-In flag.

True if Filled-In flag is set, otherwise False
String Property::GetGetMethodBodyStr ( )

Retrieves the get method body for the property.

String containing the method body
String Property::GetGetMethodName ( )

Retrieves the get method name for the property.

String containing the method name
bool Property::GetGetMethodUsed ( )

Retrieves the Get Method Used flag.

True if the flag is set, otherwise False
String Property::GetInitVal ( )

Retrieves the property's initial value.

String containing the initial value of the property
String Property::GetMemberVarName ( )

Retrieves the member variable name for the property.

String containing the member variable name
bool Property::GetMemberVarUsed ( )

Retrieves the Member Variable Used flag.

True if the property is a member variable, otherwise False
String Property::GetName ( )

Retrieves the property's name.

String containing the name of the property
bool Property::GetPropertyGetterMethodConst ( )

Indicates whether or not the property's getter method is *.

GL Studio 6.0.1
String Property::GetSetMethodBodyStr ( )

Retrieves the set method body for the property.

String containing the method body
String Property::GetSetMethodName ( )

Retrieves the set method name for the property.

String containing the method name
bool Property::GetSetMethodUsed ( )

Retrieves the Set Method Used flag.

True if the flag is set, otherwise False
String Property::GetType ( )

Retrieves the property's type.

String containing the type of the property
String Property::GetUserDefinedAttributeValue ( String  attributeName)

Gets a User Defined Attribute Value associated with the property.

attributeNameString containing the name of the attribute value to retrieve
String containing the value of the attribute
void Property::SetComment ( String  comment)

Sets the comment associated with the property.

commentString containing the comment for the property
void Property::SetFilledIn ( bool  fillIn)

Sets the property's initial value.

fillInNew value for the Filled-In flag for the property
void Property::SetGetMethodBodyStr ( String  methodBodyStr)

Sets the get method body for the property.

methodBodyStrString containing the get method body for the property
void Property::SetGetMethodName ( String  methodVarName)

Sets the get method name for the property.

methodVarNameString containing the get method name for the property
void Property::SetGetMethodUsed ( bool  methodUsed)

Sets the Get Method Used flag for the property.

methodUsedThe new value for the Get Method Used flag for the property
void Property::SetInitVal ( String  initVal)

Sets the property's initial value.

initValNew initial value for the property
void Property::SetMemberVarName ( String  memberVarName)

Sets the member variable name for the property.

memberVarNameThe new member variable name for the property
void Property::SetMemberVarUsed ( bool  memberVarUsed)

Sets the Member Variable Used flag for the property.

memberVarUsedNew value for the Member Variable Used flag for the property
void Property::SetName ( String  name)

Sets the property's name.

nameNew name of property
void Property::SetPropertyGetterMethodConst ( bool  isConst)

Sets whether or not the property's getter method is *.

GL Studio 6.0.1
void Property::SetSetMethodBodyStr ( String  methodBodyStr)

Sets the set method body for the property.

methodBodyStrString containing the set method body for the property
void Property::SetSetMethodName ( String  methodVarName)

Sets the set method name for the property.

methodVarNameString containing the set method name for the property
void Property::SetSetMethodUsed ( bool  methodUsed)

Sets the Set Method Used flag for the property.

methodUsedThe new value for the Set Method Used flag for the property
void Property::SetType ( String  type)

Sets the property's type.

typeNew type for the property
void Property::SetUserDefinedAttributeValue ( String  attributeName,
String  value 

Sets a User Defined Attribute Value associated with the property.

attributeNameString containing the name of the attribute value to retrieve
valueString containing the value to ba assigned to the attribute

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