| GlsMimicGroup (bool generateInstance=false) |
virtual | ~GlsMimicGroup () |
virtual void | SetAvailableAttributes (unsigned int value) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual DisplayObject * | CloneObject (bool generateNames=false) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | CopyProperties (DisplayObject *src) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual InterfaceListType * | GetCppInterfaceDescription (InterfaceListType *addToThisList=NULL) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | GetCppInterfaceDescriptionFree (InterfaceListType *array) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | Draw (void) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | SetValue (int spec, va_list &args) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual unsigned int | TextureWidth () const |
virtual void | TextureWidth (unsigned int textureWidth) |
virtual unsigned int | TextureHeight () const |
virtual void | TextureHeight (unsigned int textureHeight) |
virtual bool | HasDepthBuffer () const |
virtual void | HasDepthBuffer (bool hasDepthBuffer) |
virtual bool | GenerateMipMaps () const |
virtual void | GenerateMipMaps (bool generate) |
virtual bool | DrawMimicGroupPolygon () const |
virtual void | DrawMimicGroupPolygon (bool draw) |
virtual unsigned char | MimicGroupDepthTest () const |
virtual void | MimicGroupDepthTest (unsigned char depthSettings) |
virtual bool | AutoRedraw () const |
virtual void | AutoRedraw (bool autoRedrawSetting) |
virtual GlsColor | ClearColor () const |
virtual void | ClearColor (const GlsColor &color) |
virtual int | AttachedTextureIndex () const |
virtual void | AttachedTextureIndex (int textureIndex) |
bool | MimicGroupActive (void) |
void | MimicGroupActive (bool activate) |
void | BottomLeftCorner (const Vector &bottomLeftCorner) |
Vector | BottomLeftCorner (void) |
void | TopRightCorner (const Vector &topRightCorner) |
Vector | TopRightCorner (void) const |
bool | ShowOutline (void) const |
void | ShowOutline (bool showOutline) |
bool | Redraw (void) const |
void | Redraw (bool redraw) |
bool | UseOpaqueTexture (void) const |
void | UseOpaqueTexture (bool opaque) |
void | SetPainter (GlsPainter *painter) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | InsertObject (DisplayObject *obj, bool reparent=true, bool recalculateBoundingbox=true, int loc=-1) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
virtual void | PushObject (DisplayObject *obj) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
void | Invalidate () DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
bool | IsInvalidated () const DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE |
DisplayObject * | FindByName (const char *name) |
virtual DisplayObject * | FindByNameSameFrame (const char *name) |
DisplayObject * | FindByName (DisplayObject *obj) |
DisplayObject * | FindByQualifiedName (const char *name) |
DisplayObject * | FindNonRecursive (DisplayObject *obj) |
DisplayObjectArray & | Objects () |
const DisplayObjectArray & | Objects () const |
DisplayObject * | Item (unsigned int index) |
bool | PerformGroupCullCheck (void) const |
void | PerformGroupCullCheck (bool mode) |
bool | CullTestChildren (void) const |
void | CullTestChildren (bool mode) |
unsigned int | Count (void) const |
DisplayObjectPtr | operator[] (unsigned int index) |
const DisplayObject * | operator[] (unsigned int index) const |
DisplayObject * | FirstObject () |
DisplayObject * | LastObject (void) |
bool | IsEmpty () const |
int | Position (const DisplayObject *obj) const |
| Group (int generateInstance=0) |
| Group (const Group &group, bool generateNames) |
void | InitialGroupCount (unsigned int cnt) |
virtual | ~Group () |
virtual void | DeleteAllChildren () |
virtual void | CopyGeometry (DisplayObject *src) override |
virtual void | PreDraw (const OpenGLMatrices ¤t, Culler &culler) override |
virtual bool | Hit (float x, float y, float z, float scale, const Vector &directionVector, Vector *collisionPoint) override |
virtual DisplayObject * | Pick3D (const Vector &winLoc, const Vector &logicalCoords, float scale, const Vector &directionVector, Vector &collisionWinLoc, const OpenGLMatrices &drawnMatrices) override |
virtual void | Parent (DisplayFrame *par) override |
virtual void | Location (const Vertex &v) override |
virtual void | Location (float x, float y, float z) override |
virtual void | Translate (float x, float y, float z) override |
virtual void | Translate (float transAmount[]) override |
virtual void | TranslateVertices (float x, float y, float z) override |
virtual void | GetExtents (float &x, float &y, float &z, float &x1, float &y1, float &z1) override |
virtual void | GetTransformedExtents (Vector &min, Vector &max, const GlsMatrixType &matrix, bool resetMinMax=true) override |
virtual void | Rotate (const Vector &orig, float angle, const Vector &axis) override |
void | Scale (float scale_x, float scale_y, float scale_z, Vertex *anchor=NULL, int handle=0) override |
virtual bool | DeleteObject (DisplayObject *obj, bool recalculateBoundingbox=true) |
virtual void | ReorderObject (unsigned int oldIndex, unsigned int newIndex) |
void | DeleteVertexAt (unsigned) override |
void | InsertVertexAt (unsigned) override |
virtual void | SetGroupLocation (const Vertex &v) |
virtual void | GetResources (std::ostream &outstr, GlsResourceFilter *filter=NULL) override |
virtual void | CalculateTextureCoordinates (void) override |
virtual void | LineWidth (float width) override |
virtual float | LineWidth (void) override |
virtual void | LineStipplePattern (int pattern) override |
virtual int | LineStipplePattern (void) override |
virtual void | LineStippleMultiplier (int mult) override |
virtual int | LineStippleMultiplier (void) override |
virtual int | PolygonMode (void) override |
virtual void | PolygonMode (int mode) override |
virtual void | PolygonEnd (const int mode) override |
virtual int | PolygonEnd (void) override |
virtual void | Shading (const int mode) override |
virtual int | Shading (void) override |
virtual void | DepthTest (unsigned char mode) override |
virtual int | DepthTest (void) override |
virtual void | AntiAlias (bool mode) override |
virtual bool | AntiAlias (void) override |
virtual void | AlphaMode (int mode) override |
virtual int | AlphaMode (void) override |
virtual void | CullBackFace (const bool mode) override |
virtual bool | CullBackFace (void) override |
virtual bool | LightingEnabled () override |
virtual void | LightingEnabled (bool lighting) override |
virtual void | SetBlendColor (const GlsColor &color) override |
virtual GlsColor | GetBlendColor (void) override |
virtual void | SetColor (const GlsColor &color) override |
virtual GlsColor | GetColor (void) override |
virtual void | SetFillColor (const GlsColor &color) override |
virtual GlsColor | GetFillColor (void) override |
virtual void | TextureRepeat (const int rep) override |
virtual void | TextureMappingTechnique (const int map) override |
virtual int | TextureMappingTechnique (void) override |
virtual void | TextureMinificationFilter (const int filter) override |
virtual int | TextureMinificationFilter (void) override |
virtual void | TextureMagnificationFilter (const int filter) override |
virtual int | TextureMagnificationFilter (void) override |
virtual void | Calculate (double time) override |
CompatabilityListItem * | First () |
CompatabilityListItem * | Last () |
| DisplayObject (float x, float y, float z) |
| DisplayObject (const DisplayObject &object, const bool generateNames) |
virtual | ~DisplayObject (void) |
void | Destroy () |
void | ApplyTextureSettings (int textureIndex=-1) |
DistiAttribDict & | Attributes () |
void | GetBlendColor (unsigned char color[]) |
void | GetBlendColor (unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b, unsigned char &a) |
void | SetBlendColor (unsigned char color[]) |
void | SetBlendColor (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) |
bool | BlinkedOff (void) |
virtual bool | Blinking (void) |
virtual void | Blinking (const bool blink) |
virtual float | BlinkRate (void) |
virtual void | BlinkRate (const float rate) |
const Vector & | BoundingVolumeCenter () const |
void | BoundingVolumeCenter (const Vector ¢er) |
bool | BoundingVolumeHit (const Vector &start, const Vector &direction) |
float | BoundingVolumeRadius () const |
void | BoundingVolumeRadius (float radius) |
void | CalculateCollisionPoint (const Vector &pickLoc, const Vector &directionVector, Vector *collisionPoint) |
virtual void | CalculateParentBoundingBox (void) |
bool | GetTexturePointTransformationMatrix (GlsMatrixType &world2tex) |
CallbackMethodCallerBase * | CallbackCaller () const |
void | CallbackCaller (CallbackMethodCallerBase *cb) |
virtual void | GetCenter (Vector ¢er) |
void | GetColor (unsigned char c4[]) |
void | GetColor (unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b, unsigned char &a) |
void | SetColor (unsigned char c4[]) |
void | SetColor (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) |
virtual void | CopyHierarchyProperties (DisplayObject *src, bool copyName) |
bool | Culled () const |
bool | CullTest (const GlsMatrixType *matrix, const Culler &culler) |
GlsMatrixType & | DcsMatrix () |
void | DcsMatrix (const GlsMatrixType &matrix) |
virtual void | DeleteVertexAt (unsigned int index) |
virtual void | DeleteVertex (unsigned int indexAfter) final |
const GlsMatrixType * | DrawMatrix () |
bool | NeedCalcDrawMatrix () |
void | DynamicRotate (float angle, int axis) |
void | DynamicRotate (const Vector &v) |
void | DynamicRotate (float angle[]) |
virtual void | DynamicRotate (float x, float y, float z) |
virtual void | DynamicRotateRelative (float angle, int axis) |
virtual float | DynamicRotation (int axis) |
virtual Vector | DynamicScale () |
virtual void | DynamicScale (float x, float y, float z) |
void | DynamicScale (const Vector &scale) |
virtual void | DynamicTranslate (float x, float y, float z, bool relative=false) |
void | DynamicTranslate (const Vertex &amount, bool relative) |
void | DynamicTranslate (const Vector &amount) |
virtual void | DynamicTranslate (float amount, int axis, bool relative=false) |
virtual float | DynamicTranslation (int axis) |
virtual Vector | DynamicTranslation () |
DisplayObjectEditor * | Editor () |
const DisplayObjectEditor * | Editor () const |
void | Editor (DisplayObjectEditor *editor) |
void | GetExtentsDCS (Vector &min, Vector &max) |
void | GetFillColor (unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b, unsigned char &a) |
void | GetFillColor (unsigned char c4[]) |
void | SetFillColor (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) |
void | SetFillColor (unsigned char c4[]) |
virtual void | FinishObject () |
virtual void | GenerateInstanceName (void) |
virtual bool | HitUtil (float x, float y, float z, float scale, Vertex *vertices, unsigned int vertex_cnt, const Vector &directionVector, Vector *collisionPoint) |
virtual void | InsertVertexAt (unsigned int index) |
virtual void | InsertVertex (unsigned int indexAfter) final |
char * | InstanceName (void) |
void | InstanceName (const char *name) |
virtual const Vertex & | Location (void) const |
virtual void | GetLocation (Vertex &v) |
virtual void | GetLocation (float &x, float &y, float &z) |
float | X (void) const |
float | Y (void) const |
float | Z (void) const |
void | X (const float x) |
void | Y (const float y) |
void | Z (const float z) |
virtual int | MaterialIndex () |
virtual void | MaterialIndex (int index) |
virtual DynamicArray< int > & | MaterialIndices () |
virtual void | MaterialIndices (DynamicArray< int > indices) |
GlsMatrixType * | ModelMatrix () |
bool | NeedCalculate () |
Vector * | Normals () |
virtual void | SetNormals (unsigned int nPoints, Vector *vertices) |
void | VaSetNormals (unsigned int nPoints,...) |
unsigned int | NumberOfVertices () const |
virtual float | ObjectDepth (void) |
virtual float | ObjectHeight (void) |
virtual float | ObjectWidth (void) |
virtual void | SetOrigin (const Vertex &vert) |
DisplayFrame * | Parent (void) const |
virtual void | ParentGroup (Group *group) |
Group * | ParentGroup (void) const |
unsigned char | Pickable () |
virtual void | Pickable (unsigned char pick) |
GlsMatrixType * | ProjMatrix () |
virtual void | ReallocateVertices (unsigned int numVertices, bool initializeNew, bool copyOld) |
virtual float | RelativeAngle (const float x, const float y) |
virtual DistiAttributeBase & | Resource (const char *name) |
void | RestoreAlpha (void) |
void | RestoreAntiAlias (void) |
void | RestoreLighting (void) |
void | RestoreLineStyle (void) |
const Vertex & | RotationPoint () const |
virtual void | RotationPoint (const Vertex &v) |
virtual void | RotationPoint (float x, float y, float z) |
virtual void | GetRotationPoint (Vertex &v) |
virtual void | Rotate (float angle, int axis=Z_AXIS) |
virtual void | Rotate (const Vector &origin, float angle, int axis=Z_AXIS) |
void | SaveMatrices () |
void | Set (int spec,...) |
bool | SetupAlpha (void) |
bool | SetupAntiAlias (void) |
void | SetupDepthTest (void) |
void | SetupLighting (void) |
bool | SetupLineStyle (void) |
void | SetupPolyDrawStyle (void) |
void | SetupShading (void) |
bool | SetupTexture (void) |
virtual void | SetTexCoords (unsigned int nPoints, Vector *new_tex_coord, bool isVectorArray=true) |
void | SetTexCoords (unsigned int nPoints, Vertex *new_tex_coord) |
void | VaSetTexCoords (unsigned int nPoints,...) |
Vector * | TextureCoordinates (void) |
Vector * | GetTextureCoordinates (void) |
virtual int | TextureIndex (void) |
virtual void | TextureIndex (int textureIndex) |
virtual Vector * | GetTexturePoints (void) |
virtual bool | TextureRepeat (void) |
virtual void | UpdateBoundingVolume (void) |
void * | UserData (void) const |
void | UserData (void *data) |
virtual void | SetVertexColor (unsigned int vertex, unsigned char CurrentFillColor[]) |
virtual Vertex * | Vertices () |
virtual void | SetVertices (unsigned int nPoints, Vertex *vertices) |
void | VaSetVertices (unsigned int nPoints,...) |
int * | ViewMatrix () |
bool | Visible (void) const |
bool | Visibility (void) const |
virtual void | Visibility (const bool vis) |
virtual Vector | WorldRotationPoint (void) |
virtual void | WorldRotationPoint (const Vector &vert) |
virtual Vertex | WorldVertex (unsigned int i) |
virtual void | WorldVertex (unsigned int i, const Vertex &vert) |
bool | LogicalToWindow (const Vector &logical, Vector &winLoc, const OpenGLMatrices &alternateMatrices=OpenGLMatrices()) |
bool | WindowToLogical (const Vector &winLoc, Vector &logical, Vector *directionVector=NULL, const OpenGLMatrices &alternateMatrices=OpenGLMatrices()) |
void | LogicalToDCS (Vector logicalPoint, Vector &objectLocal, const Vector *directionVector, const Vector &planeNormal=Vector(0, 0, 1), const Vector &planePoint=Vector(), const GlsMatrixType *dcsMatrix=NULL) |
void | DCSToLogical (Vector dcsPoint, Vector &logicalPoint, const GlsMatrixType *dcsMatrix=NULL) |
virtual bool | GetPlaneVectorPoints (Vertex &p1, Vertex &p2, Vertex &p3, Vertex &planeVector) |
void | NotifyAttributeChanged (const AttributeName &name) override |
virtual GlsPainter * | GetPainter () |
void | InvalidatePainter () |
virtual bool | IsVisibleInScene (const DisplayObject *obj=NULL) const |
virtual | ~AttributeChangedNotifier () |
void | AddWeakReference (WeakReference *weakRef) override |
void | NotifyWeakReferenceDestroyed (WeakReference *ref) override |
The GlsMimicGroup class provides a way to group objects that change infrequently into a single textured polygon such that performance is increased due to not having to render the objects every frame. Instead, since all of the objects in the group are replaced with a single texture, performance is saved by updating the texture ONLY through handling a display event of name "MimicGroupUpdate". Whenever an object placed in this group is modified, you must write code to emit a "MimicGroupUpdate" ObjectEvent so that any changes made to its appearance will be reflected in the rendered texture.
For example: EmitObjectEvent( objectThatChanged, "MimicGroupUpdate" );
Picking and event handling for objects within the GlsMimicGroup work the same as for a regular Group, so it can contain interactive objects such as buttons, switches, etc. The GlsMimicGroup will only redraw the texture when it receives a "MimicGroupUpdate" ObjectEvent so you must write code to emit these events whenever a press, toggle, etc. affect the appearance of the object.
The GlsMimicGroup can contain 2D or 3D objects. All of these objects will be replaced with a 2D texture polygon so the GlsMimicGroup is best suited for use with panels that are mostly 2D. The GlsMimicGroup can also be useful with a collection of 3D objects as long as the GlsMimicGroup remains screen-aligned.
On older hardware that does not support the render-to-texture capabilities required by the GlsMimicGroup, the GlsMimicGroup will fall-back to rendering like a regular Group.