Python Script Engine
GL Studio Editor Python Script API
Module Methods | |
Document | GetCurrentDocument () |
Document | GetDocumentByName (String docName) |
Document | NewDocument (String fileName="") |
Document | OpenDocument (String fileName, bool showTab=true) throw ( CEIException&, std::exception ) |
void | SaveAllDocuments () |
void | CloseAllDocuments () |
common editor interface document
enum Document::RedrawMode |
int Document::AddNewMaterial | ( | Material & | newMaterial | ) |
Adds a given material to a given document.
newMaterial | Material to be added to the document |
CEIException |
int Document::AddNewMethod | ( | Method & | newMethod | ) |
Adds a given method to a given document.
newMethod | Method to be added to the document |
CEIException |
int Document::AddNewProperty | ( | Property & | newProperty | ) |
Adds a given property to a given document.
newProperty | Property to be added to the document |
CEIException |
int Document::AddNewVariable | ( | Variable & | newVariable | ) |
Adds a given variable to a given document.
newVariable | Variable to be added to the document |
CEIException |
void Document::AddUserDefinedAttribute | ( | UserDefinedAttribute | attrib | ) |
Add a user defined attribute to the document.
attrib | the user defined attribute to be added to the document |
void Document::BeginUndoGroup | ( | void | ) |
Begins an undo group on this document.
void Document::ClearRedoAndRebuildHistory | ( | ) |
Clears all undo items ahead of the current action.
CEIException |
void Document::ClearSelections | ( | void | ) |
Clears selections of the objects within the document.
void Document::Close | ( | void | ) |
Closes this document.
CEIException |
void Document::CloseAllDocuments | ( | ) |
Closes all open documents.
CEIException |
void Document::CodeGenerate | ( | void | ) |
Generates the code for a given document.
CEIException |
void Document::CodeGenerateAll | ( | void | ) |
Generates all of the code for a given document.
CEIException |
void Document::CodeGenerateChildren | ( | void | ) |
Generates all of the code for a given document and any referenced children.
CEIException |
void Document::CodeGenerateClean | ( | void | ) |
Cleans the code for a given document.
CEIException |
void Document::CodeGenerateCleanAll | ( | void | ) |
Cleans all of the code for a given document.
CEIException |
void Document::CodeGenerateCleanChildren | ( | void | ) |
Cleans the code for a given document and any referenced children.
CEIException |
void Document::ConvertSelectedToMesh | ( | void | ) |
Converts the selected objects into a GLTriMesh.
CEIException |
void Document::CopySelectedCodeItem | ( | void | ) |
Copies the selected code item to the clipboard.
CEIException |
void Document::CopySelectedObjects | ( | void | ) |
Copies the selected objects to the clipboard.
CEIException |
void Document::CutSelectedObjects | ( | void | ) |
Cuts the selected objects to the clipboard.
CEIException |
void Document::DeleteMaterial | ( | unsigned int | materialIndex | ) |
Deletes a specific material from a given document.
materialIndex | index of the material to be deleted |
CEIException |
void Document::DeleteMethod | ( | int | methodIndex | ) |
Deletes a specific method from a given document.
methodIndex | index of the method to be deleted |
CEIException |
void Document::DeleteObject | ( | DisplayObject * | obj | ) |
Delete the given object from the document.
Once the object is deleted, all references to the object will be NULL.
obj | object to delete |
void Document::DeleteProperty | ( | int | propertyIndex | ) |
Deletes a specific property from a given document.
propertyIndex | index of the property to be deleted |
CEIException |
void Document::DeleteSelectedCodeItem | ( | void | ) |
Deletes the selected code item.
CEIException |
void Document::DeleteSelectedObjects | ( | void | ) |
Deletes the selected objects.
CEIException |
void Document::DeleteUserDefinedAttributeByIndex | ( | int | index | ) |
Deletes a user defined attribute from the document at a given index.
index | index of the user defined attribute to be deleted |
void Document::DeleteUserDefinedAttributeByName | ( | String | name | ) |
Deletes a user defined attribute from the document with a given name.
name | name of the user defined attribute to delete |
void Document::DeleteVariable | ( | int | variableIndex | ) |
Deletes a specific variable from a given document.
variableIndex | index of the variable to be deleted |
CEIException |
void Document::DuplicateSelectedCodeItem | ( | void | ) |
Duplicates the selected code item.
CEIException |
void Document::DuplicateSelectedObjects | ( | void | ) |
Duplicates the selected objects.
CEIException |
void Document::EnableUserDefinedBaseClass | ( | bool | enableUserDefinedBaseClass | ) |
Enables/disables user defined base class.
enableUserDefinedBaseClass | true to enable |
void Document::EndUndoGroup | ( | String | undoGroupDescription | ) |
Ends an undo group on this document.
undoGroupDescription | description of undo group |
GlsColor Document::FillColor | ( | void | ) |
Gets the currently selected fill color of the document.
void Document::FillColor | ( | GlsColor | color | ) |
Sets the document's current fill color, and applies it to any selected objects.
color | fill color to be applied to the Display Object |
void Document::FindInDocument | ( | String | objectName, |
String | className, | ||
String | attributeName, | ||
String | propertyValue, | ||
int | comparitorType, | ||
bool | matchCase, | ||
bool | matchEntireWord, | ||
bool | searchSelectionOnly | ||
) |
Searches the document for all objects which conform to the given parameters.
If the attributeName parameter is non-empty, the search is performed on each object's attributes. Otherwise, the search is performed on each object's object name and/or class name, depending on if either or both are specified. All objects that match the search criteria become selected; non-matching objects are deselected.
objectName | The object name for which to search, or None to not search by object name |
className | The class name for which to search, or None to not search by class name |
attributeName | The attribute name for which to search, or None to not search by attribute name |
propertyValue | The property value for which to search when searching by attribute |
comparitorType | The property value comparison mode to use when searching by attribute (1 = equal, 2 = not-equal) |
matchCase | The match case flag (If False, case is ignored while searching) |
matchEntireWord | The match entire word flag (If False, the specified object and/or class names will match substrings of the object name/class name) |
searchSelectionOnly | The search selection only flag (If True, only currently selected objects are searched) |
CEIException |
String Document::GetApplicationWindowTitle | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'window title' setting.
GlsColor Document::GetBackgroundColor | ( | void | ) |
Gets the background color for this document.
CodeGenerationMode Document::GetCodeGenerationMode | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation mode.
String Document::GetCodeOutputPath | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation code output path.
String Document::GetComponentHeaderFile | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'component header file' setting.
String Document::GetComponentSourceFile | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'component source file' setting.
Document Document::GetCurrentDocument | ( | ) |
Gets the current document.
String Document::GetDerivedClass | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'Derived Class' setting.
String Document::GetDirname | ( | void | ) |
Gets the directory of this document without the filename.
Document Document::GetDocumentByName | ( | String | docName | ) |
Gets the document with the given name, if open.
String Document::GetDocumentCalculateCommentString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the comment for the Calculate method for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentCalculateString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the body for the Calculate method for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentClassDeclarationString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the code class declaration for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentHeaderString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the code header for a given document.
CEIException |
DocumentInfo Document::GetDocumentInfo | ( | void | ) |
Gets the document info for this document.
String Document::GetDocumentInitializeCommentString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the comment for the Initialize method for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentInitializeString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the body for the Initialize method for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentMainInitString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the main init for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentMainLoopString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the main loop for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentRootName | ( | void | ) |
Retrieves the document's root name.
CEIException |
String Document::GetDocumentSourceString | ( | ) |
Retrieves the code source for a given document.
CEIException |
String Document::GetEditorGenerationMode | ( | ) |
Retrieves the current editor generation mode.
CEIException |
String Document::GetFilename | ( | void | ) |
Gets the filename of this document without the directory.
FontPalette Document::GetFontPalette | ( | void | ) |
Gets the font palette for this document.
FrameBufferType Document::GetFrameBufferType | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'frame buffer type' setting.
int Document::GetFrameRate | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'frame rate' setting.
String Document::GetGeometryFilterText | ( | ) |
Returns the current string held by the geometry browser filter.
String Document::GetIdlDeclarationUserCode | ( | void | ) |
Get the IDL declaration user code.
String Document::GetIdlFileUserCode | ( | void | ) |
Get the IDL file user code.
String Document::GetInitialEyePointName | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'inital eyepoint name' setting.
int Document::GetInitialHeight | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'initial height' setting.
int Document::GetInitialPositionX | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'initial position x' setting.
int Document::GetInitialPositionY | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'initial position y' setting.
int Document::GetInitialWidth | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'initial width' setting.
Material Document::GetMaterial | ( | unsigned int | materialIndex | ) |
Retrieves a specific material for a given document.
materialIndex | index of the desired material |
CEIException |
int Document::GetMaximumHeight | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'maximum height' setting.
int Document::GetMaximumWidth | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'maximum width' setting.
Method Document::GetMethod | ( | int | methodIndex | ) |
Retrieves a specific method for a given document.
methodIndex | index of the desired method |
CEIException |
int Document::GetMinimumHeight | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'minimum height' setting.
int Document::GetMinimumWidth | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'minimum width' setting.
int Document::GetNumMaterials | ( | ) |
Retrieves the number of materials for a given document.
CEIException |
unsigned int Document::GetNumMethods | ( | ) |
Retrieves the number of methods for a given document.
CEIException |
unsigned int Document::GetNumObjects | ( | void | ) |
Gets the number of objects within a given document.
CEIException |
int Document::GetNumProperties | ( | ) |
Retrieves the number of properties for a given document.
CEIException |
int Document::GetNumUserDefinedAttributes | ( | void | ) |
Gets the number of user defined attributes in the document.
int Document::GetNumVariables | ( | ) |
Retrieves the number of variables for a given document.
CEIException |
DisplayObject* Document::GetObjectByName | ( | String | name | ) |
Finds an object within a document.
name | string containing the name of the object to find |
CEIException |
Group* Document::GetObjectList | ( | ) |
Returns a group of all objects in the document hierarchy.
CEIException |
ProjectionMode Document::GetProjectionMode | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'projection mode' setting.
Property Document::GetProperty | ( | int | propertyIndex | ) |
Retrieves a specific property for a given document.
propertyIndex | index of the desired property |
CEIException |
String Document::GetPropertyFilterText | ( | ) |
Returns the current string held by the object property table filter.
RedrawMode Document::GetRedrawMode | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'redraw mode' setting.
String Document::GetResources | ( | void | ) |
Gets all of the resources of all of the objects within this document.
RuntimeAttributesFlags Document::GetRuntimeAttributes | ( | void | ) |
Gets the resources tab 'runtime attributes' setting.
DisplayObjectArray* Document::GetSelectedObjects | ( | ) |
Gets all selected objects in the document.
SoundList Document::GetSoundList | ( | void | ) |
Gets the sound list for this document.
String Document::GetStandaloneHeaderFile | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'standalone header file' setting.
String Document::GetStandaloneInstanceName | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'standalone instance name' setting.
String Document::GetStandaloneMainFile | ( | void | ) |
Get the code generation tab 'standalone main file' setting.
String Document::GetStandaloneSourceFile | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'standalone source file' setting.
TexturePalette Document::GetTexturePalette | ( | void | ) |
Gets the texture palette for this document.
UserDefinedAttribute Document::GetUserDefinedAttributeByIndex | ( | int | index | ) |
Gets a user defined attribute within the document by index.
index | index of the user defined attribute to retrieve |
String Document::GetUserDefinedBaseClass | ( | void | ) |
Gets the user defined base class used in component code generation mode if user defined base class is enabled.
String Document::GetUserDefinedBaseClassConstructorInit | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'user defined base class constructor init' setting.
Variable Document::GetVariable | ( | int | variableIndex | ) |
Retrieves a specific variable for a given document.
variableIndex | index of the desired variable |
CEIException |
bool Document::HasAccumulationBuffer | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'accumulation buffer' setting.
bool Document::HasAlphaInColorBuffer | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'alpha in color buffer' setting.
bool Document::HasBorder | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'has border' setting.
bool Document::HasDepthBuffer | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'depth buffer' setting.
bool Document::HasMultisampleBuffer | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'multisample buffer' setting.
bool Document::HasStencilBuffer | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'stencil buffer' setting.
bool Document::HasVisibleTab | ( | ) |
Determines whether the given doc has a visible tab.
void Document::HideTab | ( | ) |
Hides this document's tab, and shows the next open document.
If there are no other open documents, does nothing.
ComponentRef* Document::InsertComponent | ( | String | filename | ) |
Adds a file as a component to the document.
filename | string containing the filename of the component to insert into the document |
CEIException |
void Document::InsertComponent | ( | ComponentRef & | comp | ) |
Adds a component to the document.
comp | pointer to the component to be added to the document |
CEIException |
void Document::InsertObject | ( | DisplayObject * | obj, |
bool | renameName = false |
) |
Inserts the given object to the document.
obj | object to insert |
renameName | allows the object's name to be renamed during insertion to maintain uniqueness. If a duplicate name is found in the document, the function will rename the object based on its current name. If flag is not set, then an exception is thrown when another object already has the same name. Default - False |
bool Document::IsCodeGenerationFillInFromRoot | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'fill in from root' setting.
bool Document::isEqual | ( | Document * | rhs | ) |
Determines if wrapped document is equal to another wrapped document.
rhs | The document to compare to this |
bool Document::IsFullScreen | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'full screen' setting.
bool Document::IsGenerateMainInSeparateFile | ( | void | ) |
Determines whether the main is generated in a separate file.
bool Document::IsGenerateSourceComments | ( | void | ) |
Gets the code generation tab 'generate source comments' setting.
bool Document::isNULL | ( | void | ) |
Determines if wrapped document does not exist.
bool Document::IsResizable | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'resizable' setting.
bool Document::IsUserDefinedBaseClassEnabled | ( | void | ) |
Determines if user defined base class is enabled.
bool Document::IsViewCulling | ( | void | ) |
Gets the application tab 'view culling' setting.
GlsColor Document::LineColor | ( | void | ) |
Gets the currently selected line color for the document.
void Document::LineColor | ( | GlsColor | color | ) |
Sets the document's current line color, and applies it to any selected objects.
color | line color to be applied to the document |
void Document::LoadUserDefinedAttributes | ( | String | filename | ) |
Reads user defined attributes from a file.
filename | name of the file from which the user defined attributes are to be read |
void Document::MakeCurrentDocument | ( | void | ) |
Makes this document the current document.
CEIException |
Document Document::NewDocument | ( | String | fileName = "" | ) |
Creates a new document and makes it the current document.
fileName | optional filename to give the new document |
Document Document::OpenDocument | ( | String | fileName, |
bool | showTab = true |
) | |||
throw | ( | CEIException&, | |
std::exception | |||
) |
Opens a new document and makes it the current document.
fileName | name of file to load |
showTab | whether or not to show the file in a tab. If false, will open it in the background. |
void Document::PasteClipboardCodeItem | ( | void | ) |
Pastes the code item from the clipboard.
CEIException |
void Document::PasteClipboardObjects | ( | bool | keepNames, |
bool | keepPositions | ||
) |
Pastes the objects from the clipboard.
keepNames | true to keep object names (deprecated and ignored) |
keepPositions | true to keep object positions |
CEIException |
void Document::PasteClipboardObjects | ( | bool | keepPositions | ) |
Pastes the objects from the clipboard.
keepPositions | true to keep object positions |
CEIException |
void Document::RedoAction | ( | void | ) |
Redo the previously undone action.
CEIException |
void Document::Save | ( | void | ) |
Saves this document.
CEIException |
void Document::SaveAllDocuments | ( | ) |
void Document::SaveAs | ( | String | fileName | ) |
save this document with a given filename.
If no filename is specified, a popup will appear.
CEIException |
void Document::SaveUserDefinedAttributes | ( | String | filename | ) |
Writes user defined attributes to a file.
filename | name of the file to which the user defined attributes are to be written |
void Document::SelectAll | ( | void | ) |
Selects all of the objects within the document.
void Document::SelectObject | ( | DisplayObject * | obj | ) |
Selects the object within the editor.
obj | the object to be selected |
void Document::SelectObjects | ( | DisplayObjectArray * | objs | ) |
Selects the objects within the editor, adding to current selection.
objs | the object array to be selected |
void Document::SelectObjects | ( | std::vector< String > | objectNames, |
bool | addToCurrentSelection = false |
) |
Selects the specified objects.
objectNames | the list object names. |
addToCurrentSelection | if true, adds the specified objects to the pre-existing selection. If false, it clears the pre-existing selection before selecting the specified objects. |
void Document::SetAccumulationBuffer | ( | bool | accumulationBuffer | ) |
Sets the application tab 'accumulation buffer' setting.
accumulationBuffer | accumulation buffer setting |
void Document::SetAlphaInColorBuffer | ( | bool | alphaInColorBuffer | ) |
Sets the application tab 'alpha in color buffer' setting.
alphaInColorBuffer | alpha in color buffer setting |
void Document::SetApplicationWindowTitle | ( | String | title | ) |
Sets the application tab 'window title' setting.
title | window title |
void Document::SetBackgroundColor | ( | GlsColor | color | ) |
Sets the document's background color.
color | the color for the background |
void Document::SetBackgroundColor | ( | unsigned char | r, |
unsigned char | g, | ||
unsigned char | b, | ||
unsigned char | a | ||
) |
Sets the document's background color.
r | red color for the background |
g | green color for the background |
b | blue color for the background |
a | alpha color for the background |
void Document::SetCodeGenerationFillInFromRoot | ( | bool | fillInFromRoot | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'fill in from root' setting.
fillInFromRoot | true to fill in from root |
void Document::SetCodeGenerationMode | ( | CodeGenerationMode | codeGenerationMode | ) |
Sets the code generation mode.
codeGenerationMode | code generation mode |
void Document::SetCodeOutputPath | ( | String | codeOutputPath | ) |
Sets the code generation code output path.
codeOutputPath | the code generation code output path |
void Document::SetComponentHeaderFile | ( | String | headerFile | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'component header file' setting.
headerFile | component header file |
void Document::SetComponentSourceFile | ( | String | sourceFile | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'component source file' setting.
sourceFile | component source file |
void Document::SetDepthBuffer | ( | bool | depthBuffer | ) |
Sets the application tab 'depth buffer' setting.
depthBuffer | depth buffer setting |
void Document::SetDerivedClass | ( | String | derivedClass | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'Derived Class' setting.
derivedClass | derived class name |
void Document::SetDirtyFlag | ( | void | ) |
Mark this document as dirty.
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentCalculateString | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the body for the Calculate method for a given document.
str | String to be used in the body |
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentClassDeclarationString | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the code class declaration for a given document.
str | String to be added to the class declaration |
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentHeaderString | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the code header for a given document.
str | String to be added at the beginning of the code header |
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentInitializeString | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the body for the Initialize method for a given document.
str | String to be used in the body |
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentMainInitString | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the main init for a given document.
str | String to be used in the main init |
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentMainLoopString | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the main loop for a given document.
str | String to be used in the main loop |
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentRootName | ( | String | rootName | ) |
Sets the document's root name.
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentSaved | ( | ) |
Clears the dirty flag without updating the document.
CEIException |
void Document::SetDocumentSourceString | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the code source for a given document.
str | String to be added at the beginning of the code source |
CEIException |
void Document::SetEditorGenerationMode | ( | String | str | ) |
Sets the current editor generation mode.
str | String specifiying the new editor mode |
CEIException |
void Document::SetFrameBufferType | ( | FrameBufferType | frameBufferType | ) |
Sets the application tab 'frame buffer type' setting.
frameBufferType | frame buffer type |
void Document::SetFrameRate | ( | int | frameRateHz | ) |
Sets the application tab 'frame rate' setting.
frameRateHz | frame rate in hz |
void Document::SetFullScreen | ( | bool | fullScreen | ) |
Sets the application tab 'full screen' setting.
fullScreen | full screen setting |
void Document::SetGenerateMainInSeparateFile | ( | bool | separateFile | ) |
Sets whether the main is generated in a separate file.
separateFile | true to generate main in a seperate file |
void Document::SetGenerateSourceComments | ( | bool | generateSourceComments | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'generate source comments' setting.
generateSourceComments | true to generate source comments |
void Document::SetHasBorder | ( | bool | hasBorder | ) |
Sets the application tab 'has border' setting.
hasBorder | has border setting |
void Document::SetIdlDeclarationUserCode | ( | String | idlDeclarationUserCode | ) |
Set the IDL declaration user code.
idlDeclarationUserCode | the IDL declaration user code |
void Document::SetIdlFileUserCode | ( | String | idlFileUserCode | ) |
Set the IDL file user code.
idlFileUserCode | the IDL file user code |
void Document::SetInitialEyePointName | ( | String | eyePointName | ) |
Sets the application tab 'inital eyepoint name' setting.
eyePointName | eye point name |
void Document::SetInitialHeight | ( | int | height | ) |
Sets the application tab 'initial height' setting.
height | initial height |
void Document::SetInitialPositionX | ( | int | x | ) |
Sets the application tab 'initial position x' setting.
x | initial position x |
void Document::SetInitialPositionY | ( | int | y | ) |
Sets the application tab 'initial position y' setting.
y | initial position y |
void Document::SetInitialWidth | ( | int | width | ) |
Sets the application tab 'initial width' setting.
width | initial width |
void Document::SetMaximumHeight | ( | int | height | ) |
Sets the application tab 'maximum height' setting.
height | max height |
void Document::SetMaximumWidth | ( | int | width | ) |
Sets the application tab 'maximum width' setting.
width | max width |
void Document::SetMinimumHeight | ( | int | height | ) |
Sets the application tab 'minimum height' setting.
height | min height |
void Document::SetMinimumWidth | ( | int | width | ) |
Sets the application tab 'minimum width' setting.
width | min width |
void Document::SetMultisampleBuffer | ( | bool | multisampleBuffer | ) |
Sets the application tab 'multisample buffer' setting.
multisampleBuffer | multisample buffer setting |
void Document::SetProjectionMode | ( | ProjectionMode | projectionMode | ) |
Sets the application tab 'projection mode' setting.
projectionMode | projection mode |
void Document::SetRedrawMode | ( | RedrawMode | redrawMode | ) |
Sets the application tab 'redraw mode' setting.
redrawMode | redraw mode |
void Document::SetResizable | ( | bool | resizable | ) |
Sets the application tab 'resizable' setting.
resizable | resizable setting |
void Document::SetRuntimeAttributes | ( | RuntimeAttributesFlags | flags | ) |
Sets the resources tab 'runtime attributes' setting.
flags | runtime attribute flags |
void Document::SetStandaloneHeaderFile | ( | String | headerFile | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'standalone header file' setting.
headerFile | standalone header file |
void Document::SetStandaloneInstanceName | ( | String | instanceName | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'standalone instance name' setting.
instanceName | standalone instance name |
void Document::SetStandaloneMainFile | ( | String | mainFile | ) |
Set the code generation tab 'standalone main file' setting.
mainFile | main file |
void Document::SetStandaloneSourceFile | ( | String | sourceFile | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'standalone source file' setting.
sourceFile | standalone source file |
void Document::SetStencilBuffer | ( | bool | stencilBuffer | ) |
Sets the application tab 'stencil buffer' setting.
stencilBuffer | stencil buffer setting |
void Document::SetUserDefinedBaseClass | ( | String | userDefinedBaseClass | ) |
Sets the user defined base class used in component code generation mode if user defined base class is enabled.
userDefinedBaseClass | user defined base class |
void Document::SetUserDefinedBaseClassConstructorInit | ( | String | ctorInit | ) |
Sets the code generation tab 'user defined base class constructor init' setting.
ctorInit | the code generation tab 'user defined base class constructor init' setting |
void Document::SetViewCulling | ( | bool | viewCulling | ) |
Sets the application tab 'view culling' setting.
viewCulling | view culling setting |
void Document::UndoAction | ( | void | ) |
Undo the previous action.
CEIException |
void Document::UnselectObject | ( | DisplayObject * | obj | ) |
Unselects the object within the editor.
obj | the object to be unselected |
void Document::UnselectObjects | ( | DisplayObjectArray * | objs | ) |
Unselects the objects within the editor.
objs | the object array to be unselected |
void Document::UpdateMaterial | ( | unsigned int | materialIndex, |
Material | matUpdates | ||
) |
Updates a specific material for a given document.
materialIndex | index of the material to be updated |
matUpdates | material containing the updated material information |
CEIException |
void Document::UpdateUserDefinedAttribute | ( | UserDefinedAttribute | attrib | ) |
Updates a user defined attribute within the document.
attrib | the user defined attribute to be updated |