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disti::DNCMapChartDataSource Class Reference

#include <gls_map_dnc.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for disti::DNCMapChartDataSource:


struct  LibrarySlot

Public Types

typedef void(* ConfigLibraryCB) (void *const userData, DNCMapChartDataSource &dncSource, const int libNum)
typedef void(* RenderPointFeatureCB) (void *const userData, DNCMapChartDataSource &dncSource, const unsigned int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const unsigned int featIndex, const VPFTableHeader &featTableHeader, const VPFTable::Row &featRow, const VPFUtil::Coord2DShort &pointCoord, const glsColor &color, const DNCUtil::GeoRegion &region, const double logicalHeight)
typedef bool(* FeatureIteratorCB) (void *const userData, DNCMapChartDataSource &dncSource, const unsigned int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const VPFUtil::FeatureType featType, const unsigned int featIndex, const VPFTableHeader &featTableHeader, const VPFTable::Row &featRow)
typedef GLubyte GLPolyStipplePattern[128u]

Public Member Functions

 DNCMapChartDataSource ()
 ~DNCMapChartDataSource ()
void StopRendering ()
void LoadPath (const char *const dncRootPath)
bool IsValid (void) const
bool GetAvailableCoverage (GeoRect *dest) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE
unsigned long GetBestLayer (GlsMapView *view, GlsMapChart *chart) const DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE
void GetCellList (const GeoRect &coverage, unsigned long layerID, double viewLogicalHeight, double viewGeoHeight, MapChartCellList &viewList) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE
void PostDraw (GlsMapView *view, GlsMapChart *chart) DISTI_METHOD_OVERRIDE
unsigned int GetLibraryCount (void) const
const char * GetLibraryName (const unsigned int libNum) const
VPFUtil::SecurityClass GetLibrarySecurityClass (const unsigned int libNum)
bool LoadDNCLibrary (const unsigned int libNum, const bool async, const bool preTessellate)
bool IsLibraryLoading (const unsigned int libNum) const
bool IsLibraryLoaded (const unsigned int libNum)
bool UnloadDNCLibrary (const unsigned int libNum, const bool async)
bool LockLibrary (const unsigned int libNum, DNCLibrary **lib)
bool UnlockLibrary (const unsigned int libNum)
bool SetLibraryVisible (const unsigned int libNum, const bool visible)
bool NotfiyLibraryConfigChanged (void)
bool IsLibraryVisible (const unsigned int libNum)
unsigned int GetCompletedCellCount (const unsigned int libNum)
bool GetLibraryExtents (const unsigned int libNum, float &swCornerLon, float &swCornerLat, float &neCornerLon, float &neCornerLat) const
bool LibraryCoveragePointTest (const unsigned int libNum, const double longitude, const double latitude) const
bool GetLibraryCoverageArea (const unsigned int libNum, double &area) const
bool GetLibraryScale (const unsigned int libNum, unsigned int &scale)
const DNCUtil::QueryResultsQueryFeatures (const unsigned int libNum, const DNCUtil::GeoRegion &region, const bool onlyVisibleFeatures)
bool ShowAll (const int libNum, const bool show)
bool SetCoverageVisible (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const bool visible)
bool SetFeatureVisible (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, const bool visible)
bool SetFeatureColor (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, const glsColor &color)
bool SetPointFeatureRenderCB (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, RenderPointFeatureCB const renderCB, void *const userData, const bool useMapScale)
bool SetFeatureLineStipple (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, const GLint stippleFactor, const GLushort stipplePattern)
bool SetTextFeatureFont (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, GlsFontBase *const font)
bool SetAreaFeaturePolygonStipple (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, const GLPolyStipplePattern *const polyStipplePattern)
bool SetAreaFeatureBoundaryVisible (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, const bool visible)
bool SetAreaFeatureBoundaryColor (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex, const glsColor &color)
bool SetFeatureDrawOrder (const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const unsigned int drawOrder)
bool IterateFeatures (FeatureIteratorCB const featureIteratorCB, void *const userData, const int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const char *const faccCode, const char *const intAttribColName, const unsigned int intAttribVal, const char *const charAttribColName, const char *const charAttribVal, const int desFeatIndex)
void SetConfigLibCB (ConfigLibraryCB const configLibCB, void *const userData, const bool reconfigAll)
bool LowerAsyncCellRenderPriority (const bool belowNormal)
bool LowerAsyncLoadPriority (const bool belowNormal)
bool LowerAsyncUnloadPriority (const bool belowNormal)
- Public Member Functions inherited from disti::GlsMapChartDataSource
virtual ~GlsMapChartDataSource ()
virtual bool AreAllCellsLoaded (GlsMapView *view, GlsMapChart *chart)

Protected Types

typedef DynamicArray< LibrarySlot, false > LibraryArray
typedef DynamicArray< DNCMapChartCell *, true > CellPointerArray

Protected Member Functions

bool RefreshLib (const unsigned int libNum)
void RefreshLibList (void)
void RefreshCellList (void)
void InvalidateCells (const unsigned int libNum)
void PopulateCells (const unsigned int libNum, const GeoRect &libExtents, const GeoRect &view, const unsigned long layer, double viewLogicalHeight, double viewGeoHeight, MapChartCellList &cellList)
DNCMapChartCell * FindCell (const unsigned int libNum, const double tileLogicalHeight, const GeoRect &tileRect, const unsigned long layer)
DNCMapChartCell * GetNextCellToRender (void)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from disti::GlsMapChartDataSource
 GlsMapChartDataSource ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static DNCMapChartCell * getNextCellToRender (void *const pArguments)

Protected Attributes

VPFUtil::WarningBool _isValid
DNCDatabase * _dncDb
LibraryArray _libraries
ConfigLibraryCB _configLibCB
void * _configUserData
Mutex * _cellPointersMutex
CellPointerArray _cellPointers
DNCAsyncCellRenderThread * _renderThread
bool _firstTimeLoaded
GLXExtensions * _glEx

Detailed Description

Map chart data source for loading Digital Nautical Chart (DNC, MIL-PRF-89023)

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef DynamicArray< DNCMapChartCell*, true > disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::CellPointerArray

array of DNC map cell pointers

typedef void( * disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::ConfigLibraryCB) (void *const userData, DNCMapChartDataSource &dncSource, const int libNum)

config library callback for a user supplied library configuration routine

userDatauser supplied data for callback (supplied with SetConfigLibCB())
dncSourceDNC data source containing library to configure
libNumzero based library number of library to configure else -1 for all libraries in source
typedef bool( * disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::FeatureIteratorCB) (void *const userData, DNCMapChartDataSource &dncSource, const unsigned int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const VPFUtil::FeatureType featType, const unsigned int featIndex, const VPFTableHeader &featTableHeader, const VPFTable::Row &featRow)

Feature Iterator callback for a user supplied feature configuration routine.

userDatauser supplied data for callback (supplied with IterateFeatures())
dncSourceDNC source containing feature
libNumzero based library number of library containing feature
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage containing feature ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class containing feature ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
featTypetype of feature
featIndexzero based index into feature class for feature
featTableHeadertable header for feature table containing feature
featRowrow in feature table corresponding to the feature data for the feature
true if a configuration change was made to a feature else false
typedef GLubyte disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::GLPolyStipplePattern[128u]

GL polygon stipple pattern

typedef DynamicArray< LibrarySlot, false > disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::LibraryArray

array of library slots

typedef void( * disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::RenderPointFeatureCB) (void *const userData, DNCMapChartDataSource &dncSource, const unsigned int libNum, const char *const covName, const char *const featClassName, const unsigned int featIndex, const VPFTableHeader &featTableHeader, const VPFTable::Row &featRow, const VPFUtil::Coord2DShort &pointCoord, const glsColor &color, const DNCUtil::GeoRegion &region, const double logicalHeight)

Draw callback for a user supplied point feature render routine. This routine is called with the model matrix loaded appropriately as to draw at the correct location using the origin. (i.e. a vertex draw to (0,0) will map to the correct location as described by pointCoord. This routine does not need to save the model stack as the caller will push and pop (save) it accordingly. NOTE: if the point feature in question is configured to use display lists when rendering, then this callback will be called during the compilation of a display list. This means that any textures (and mipmaps) used when rendering the point feature must already be uploaded to GL.

userDatauser supplied data for callback (supplied with SetPointFeatureRenderCB())
dncSourceDNC source containing point feature
libNumzero based library number of library containing point
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage containing point ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class containing point ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
featIndexzero based index into feature class for point
featTableHeadertable header for point feature table containing point
featRowrow in feature table corresponding to the point feature data for point
pointCoordlocation of point feature
colorcolor assigned to point feature
regionregion of the chart that is rendering
logicalHeightheight in logical units corresponding to height of render region

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DNCMapChartDataSource::DNCMapChartDataSource ( )


DNCMapChartDataSource::~DNCMapChartDataSource ( )


See also

Member Function Documentation

DNCMapChartCell * DNCMapChartDataSource::FindCell ( const unsigned int  libNum,
const double  tileLogicalHeight,
const GeoRect tileRect,
const unsigned long  layer 

Find a cell in the _cellPointers list that matches the given library number, rect and layer

libNumzero based library number
tileRectrect for cell
tileLogicalHeightThe height of the view in logical space
layerlayer number
matching cell in list else NULL
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::GetAvailableCoverage ( GeoRect dest)

Sets a GeoRect to describe the area containing all areas covered by this MapDataSource. This area may change as different databases are loaded. Calling this method may be slow. Pointer to a GeoRect to recieve the coverage.

true on success (dest contains the coverage description) or false if there was an error (dest is undefined)

Implements disti::GlsMapChartDataSource.

unsigned long DNCMapChartDataSource::GetBestLayer ( GlsMapView view,
GlsMapChart chart 
) const

Returns the cell layer ('zoom level') that best matches the given area

viewThe GlsMapView used to draw the chart
chartThe GlsMapChart that is being drawn
The recommended layer to use
Data sources that do not support layers should always return 0.

Reimplemented from disti::GlsMapChartDataSource.

void DNCMapChartDataSource::GetCellList ( const GeoRect coverage,
unsigned long  layerID,
double  viewLogicalHeight,
double  viewGeoHeight,
MapChartCellList &  viewList 

Get the list of the available cells in a given coverage area The caller will AddRef() any of the cells that it will be holding a reference to

coverageGeoRect describing the requested area
layerIDWhich layer to return MapCells from
viewLogicalHeightThe height of the view in logical units
viewGeoHeightThe height of the view in geographic units
viewListPointer MapChartCellList to recieve the list of available cells

Implements disti::GlsMapChartDataSource.

unsigned int DNCMapChartDataSource::GetCompletedCellCount ( const unsigned int  libNum)

Get the number of map chart cells that are currently completed (rendered) for the given library

libNumzero based libray number
number of map chart cells that are currently completed (rendered) for the given library
unsigned int DNCMapChartDataSource::GetLibraryCount ( void  ) const

Get the number of libraries in the database

number of libraries in the database else 0
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::GetLibraryCoverageArea ( const unsigned int  libNum,
double &  area 
) const

Get the actual coverage area for a library

libNumzero based library number
area[out] receives area in degrees (lonxlat) on success
true on success else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::GetLibraryExtents ( const unsigned int  libNum,
float &  swCornerLon,
float &  swCornerLat,
float &  neCornerLon,
float &  neCornerLat 
) const

Get the geographic extents of a library in the database

libNumzero based library number ( < GetLibraryCount() )
swCornerLon[out] receives longitude of southwest corner of library on success
swCornerLat[out] receives latitude of southwest corner of library on success
neCornerLon[out] receives longitude of northeast corner of library on success
neCornerLat[out] receives latitude of northeast corner of library on success
true if success else false
const char * DNCMapChartDataSource::GetLibraryName ( const unsigned int  libNum) const

Get the name of the given library

libNumzero based library number
name of library else NULL
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::GetLibraryScale ( const unsigned int  libNum,
unsigned int &  scale 

Get the scale of the chart in a given library

libNumzero based library number ( < GetLibraryCount() )
scale[out] reveives the denominator of the chart scale expressed as a fraction (e.g. 80000 –> chart scale of 1/80000)
true if success else false
VPFUtil::SecurityClass DNCMapChartDataSource::GetLibrarySecurityClass ( const unsigned int  libNum)

Get the security classification for the given library ( NOTE: library must be loaded to determine security class )

libNumzero based library number
security class for library else VPFUtil::SECURITY_CLASS_UNCLASSIFIED if library is not loaded or is invalid
DNCMapChartCell * DNCMapChartDataSource::GetNextCellToRender ( void  )

Get next cell to be rendered. NOTE: returned cell will already have had its ref count increased by one

next cell to be rendered else NULL if no cell to be rendered
DNCMapChartCell * disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::getNextCellToRender ( void *const  pArguments)

static function for routing to GetNextCellToRender(). NOTE: returned cell will already have had its ref count increased by one

pArgumentspointer to DNCMapChartDataSource
next cell to render else NULL
void DNCMapChartDataSource::InvalidateCells ( const unsigned int  libNum)

Invalidate the textures associated with any cells referencing the given library number. NOTE: It is assumed that the given library is locked with LockLibrary() before calling this routine.

libNumzero based library number in question
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::IsLibraryLoaded ( const unsigned int  libNum)

Determine if a given library is loaded

libNumzero based library number for lib in question
true if loading else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::IsLibraryLoading ( const unsigned int  libNum) const

Determine if a given library is loading asynchronously. NOTE: call IsLibraryLoaded() to see if loading is complete

libNumzero based library number for lib in question
true if loading else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::IsLibraryVisible ( const unsigned int  libNum)

Determine if a library is visible (available for tiles)

libNumzero based libray number
true if visible else false
bool disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::IsValid ( void  ) const

Determine if the data source is valid

LoadPath has been called
true if valid else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::IterateFeatures ( FeatureIteratorCB const  featureIteratorCB,
void *const  userData,
const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex 

Iterate over features

featureIteratorCBuser supplied callback to be called when iterating
userDatauser supplied data to be handed to callback
libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
true if at least one feature configuration was changed
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::LibraryCoveragePointTest ( const unsigned int  libNum,
const double  longitude,
const double  latitude 
) const

Test a point against the actual coverage of a given library

libNumzero based library number
longitudelongitude of point
latitudelatitude of point
true if in actual library coverage else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::LoadDNCLibrary ( const unsigned int  libNum,
const bool  async,
const bool  preTessellate 

Load a library in the database

libNumzero based library number ( < GetLibraryCount() )
asynctrue to load asynchronously (check IsLibraryLoaded() to see when library is finally loaded)
preTessellatetrue to pre-tessellate area features during loading else false to tessellate on demand when rendering
true if success else false
void DNCMapChartDataSource::LoadPath ( const char *const  dncRootPath)

Load a DNC database and initialize the data source. If the database load succeeded, IsValid() will return true. The method should only be called once per DNCMapChartDataSource instance, subsequent calls will have no effect.

dncRootPathpath to dnc root database directory
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::LockLibrary ( const unsigned int  libNum,
DNCLibrary **  lib 

Lock and get the given library. NOTE: Must call UnlockLibrary when done if this routine returns true.

libNumzero based library number ( < GetLibraryCount() )
lib[out] receives pointer to locked library (NULL if library is not loaded)
true if library was locked (even if library is not loaded e.g. lib=NULL)
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::LowerAsyncCellRenderPriority ( const bool  belowNormal)

Lower/Restore the priority of the async cell render thread

belowNormaltrue to set thread priority to below normal else false to set priority to normal
true if success else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::LowerAsyncLoadPriority ( const bool  belowNormal)

Lower/Restore the priority of the async load threads

belowNormaltrue to set thread priority to below normal else false to set priority to normal
true if success else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::LowerAsyncUnloadPriority ( const bool  belowNormal)

Lower/Restore the priority of the async unload thread

belowNormaltrue to set thread priority to below normal else false to set priority to normal
true if success else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::NotfiyLibraryConfigChanged ( void  )

Notify that a library has had its configuration changed and those changes should be reflected in map cells. NOTE: This should be called any time a library config change is made in realtime ( i.e. not made from a config callback )

true if success else false
void DNCMapChartDataSource::PopulateCells ( const unsigned int  libNum,
const GeoRect libExtents,
const GeoRect view,
const unsigned long  layer,
double  viewLogicalHeight,
double  viewGeoHeight,
MapChartCellList &  cellList 

Populate the given cell list with cells for the given library number and layer that intersect the given view coverage. This routine will create cells as needed and popuplate the _cellPointers arrayfor tiles that need to be created.

libNumzero based lib number
libExtentsextents of library
viewview coverage
layerlayer number
viewLogicalHeightThe height of the view in logical space
viewGeoHeightThe height of the view in geographic space
cellListcellList to populate
void DNCMapChartDataSource::PostDraw ( GlsMapView view,
GlsMapChart chart 

Called after all the cells have been drawn to allow the data source to perform additional rendering if needed

viewThe GlsMapView used to draw the chart
chartThe GlsMapChart that is being drawn

Reimplemented from disti::GlsMapChartDataSource.

const DNCUtil::QueryResults * DNCMapChartDataSource::QueryFeatures ( const unsigned int  libNum,
const DNCUtil::GeoRegion region,
const bool  onlyVisibleFeatures 

Query a library in the database about its features

libNumzero based library number ( < GetLibraryCount() )
regiongeographic region to query
onlyVisibleFeaturestrue to only return currently visible features else false for all features
query results else NULL
void DNCMapChartDataSource::RefreshCellList ( void  )

Check for and delete unused cells in the _cellPointers array, pickup any tiles from the render thread.

bool DNCMapChartDataSource::RefreshLib ( const unsigned int  libNum)

Refresh the given library in the _libPointers array to check for new library load / unloads and autoconfigure libraries as needed

libNumzero based library number of lib in question
true if lib pointer changed
void DNCMapChartDataSource::RefreshLibList ( void  )

Refresh the _libPointers array to check for new library load / unloads and autoconfigure libraries as needed

bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetAreaFeatureBoundaryColor ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
const glsColor &  color 

Set area feature(s) boundary color in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
true if at least one area feature boundary color was changed
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetAreaFeatureBoundaryVisible ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
const bool  visible 

Show/Hide area feature(s) boundary in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
visibletrue to show boundary else false to hide
true if at least one area boundary visibility was changed
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetAreaFeaturePolygonStipple ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
const GLPolyStipplePattern *const  polyStipplePattern 

Set area feature(s) polygon stipple pattern in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
polyStipplePatternpolygon stipple pattern else NULL to disable polygon stipple
true if at least one feature polygon stipple was changed
void DNCMapChartDataSource::SetConfigLibCB ( ConfigLibraryCB const  configLibCB,
void *const  userData,
const bool  reconfigAll 

Set the callback for automatically configuring libraries when loaded

configLibCBcallback else NULL to clear callback
userDatauser supplied data to be handed to callback
reconfigAlltrue to reconfig all loaded libraries with new callback (if NULL != configLibCB) else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetCoverageVisible ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const bool  visible 

Show/Hide a particular (or all) coverage(s) in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage to show/hide else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
visibletrue to show else false to hide
true if at least one coverage show/hide status was set else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetFeatureColor ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
const glsColor &  color 

Set feature(s) color in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
true if at least one feature color was changed
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetFeatureDrawOrder ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const unsigned int  drawOrder 

Set the draw order for a feature class in a coverage of a library. All features behid given draw order will be pushed down the draw order (further back in draw order).

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for feature classes that do use FACC codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
drawOrderzero based desired draw order ( draw Order 0 is the last to draw )
true if success else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetFeatureLineStipple ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
const GLint  stippleFactor,
const GLushort  stipplePattern 

Set feature(s) line stippling in a library ( sets area boundary stipple for area features )

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
stippleFactor(0 if not stippled line) stipple factor (>=1) if line is stippled (see glLineStipple() )
stipplePatternstipple pattern if line is stippled (see glLineStipple() )
true if at least one feature line stipple was changed
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetFeatureVisible ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
const bool  visible 

Show/Hide feature(s) in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
visibletrue to show else false to hide
true if at least one feature show/hide status was set else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetLibraryVisible ( const unsigned int  libNum,
const bool  visible 

Show/Hide a library. A library will not be available for tiles if it is hidden

libNumzero based libray number
visibletrue to show else false to hide
true on success else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetPointFeatureRenderCB ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
RenderPointFeatureCB const  renderCB,
void *const  userData,
const bool  useMapScale 

Set point feature(s) render callback in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
renderCBrender callback else NULL for no callback
userDatauser supplied data to be handed to callback
useMapScaletrue if point feature should scale with the map (will become larger as the view zooms in), false is point feature should scale to attempt maintain the same size in logical space regardless of the map zoom
true if at least one point feature callback was changed
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::SetTextFeatureFont ( const int  libNum,
const char *const  covName,
const char *const  featClassName,
const char *const  faccCode,
const char *const  intAttribColName,
const unsigned int  intAttribVal,
const char *const  charAttribColName,
const char *const  charAttribVal,
const int  desFeatIndex,
GlsFontBase *const  font 

Set text feature(s) font in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
covNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of coverage else NULL for all coverages. ( see DNCUtil COVERAGE_NAME constants )
featClassNamename (as defined by MIL-PRF-89023) of feature class else NULL for all features. ( see DNCUtil FEATURE_NAME constants )
faccCodeFeature and Attribute Coding Catalog feature code else NULL for all feature codes ( see MIL-PRF-89023 )
intAttribColNameadditional integer attribute column else NULL to ignore
intAttribValinteger attribute value to compare against if intAttribColName != NULL
charAttribColNameadditional character attribute column else NULL to ignore additional attribute
charAttribValcharacter attribute value to compare against if charAttribColName != NULL
desFeatIndexzero based feature index for specific feature else -1 for all
fontfont for text feature
true if at least one text feature font was changed
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::ShowAll ( const int  libNum,
const bool  show 

Show/Hide all coverages and features in a library

libNumzero based library number else -1 for all loaded libraries
showtrue to show else false to hide
true if success else false
void DNCMapChartDataSource::StopRendering ( )

Stop the rendering thread. This method should be called before any data that may be accessed by the DNC render callbacks is deleted. This is typically called by the destructor of the component that owns this data source. StopRendering should only be called when you are about to delete the data source and it is no longer needed since the data source is not usable after the rendering thread has been killed.

bool DNCMapChartDataSource::UnloadDNCLibrary ( const unsigned int  libNum,
const bool  async 

Unload a library in the database

libNumzero based library number ( < GetLibraryCount() )
asynctrue to unload asynchronously ( IsLibraryLoaded() will still return false immediately )
true if success else false
bool DNCMapChartDataSource::UnlockLibrary ( const unsigned int  libNum)

Unlock the given library. Any pointer received from a previous LockLibrary call is now invalid.

libNumzero based library number ( < GetLibraryCount() )
true if success else false

Member Data Documentation

CellPointerArray disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_cellPointers

array of pointers to map cells

Mutex* disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_cellPointersMutex

lock for _cellPointers

ConfigLibraryCB disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_configLibCB

user supplied library configuration callback else false

void* disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_configUserData

user supplied data for library config callback else NULL

DNCDatabase* disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_dncDb

DNC database else NULL

GLXExtensions* disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_glEx

GLX extensions else NULL

VPFUtil::WarningBool disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_isValid

true if source is valid else false

LibraryArray disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_libraries

LibrarySlots 's for each lib in the database

DNCAsyncCellRenderThread* disti::DNCMapChartDataSource::_renderThread

async cell rendering thread else NULL

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: