GlsRSOLoader API  1.3.1
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RSOInterface4 Class Referenceabstract

#include <rso_interface_4.h>

Inheritance diagram for RSOInterface4:
RSOInterface3 RSOInterface2 RSOInterface1 RSOInterface5


class  ResourceObserver

Public Types

typedef unsigned int CallbackID
 Type for unique identifiers.
- Public Types inherited from RSOInterface2
typedef unsigned int ResourceHandle

Public Member Functions

virtual CallbackID RegisterResourceObserver (ResourceHandle resourceHandle, ResourceObserver *observer)=0
virtual void UnregisterResourceObserver (ResourceHandle resourceHandle, CallbackID id)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RSOInterface3
virtual bool HandleMultiTouchInput (MouseMultiTouchEvent *ev)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from RSOInterface2
virtual ResourceHandle CreateResourceHandle (const char *resourceName)=0
virtual void ReleaseResourceHandle (ResourceHandle resourceHandle)=0
 Disposes of a resource handle.
virtual bool IsResourceHandleValid (ResourceHandle resourceHandle)=0
 Checks if a given resource handle is valid.
virtual void SetResource (ResourceHandle resourceHandle, const char *resourceVal)=0
 Set the string value for a resource specified by handle.
virtual const char * GetResource (ResourceHandle resourceHandle)=0
 Get the string value for a resource specified by handle.
virtual void SetIntResource (const char *resourceName, long resourceVal)=0
 Set the value as an integer for a given named resource.
virtual long GetIntResource (const char *resourceName)=0
 Get the value as an integer for a given named resource.
virtual void SetIntResource (ResourceHandle handle, long resourceVal)=0
 Set the value as an integer for a resource specified by handle.
virtual long GetIntResource (ResourceHandle resourceHandle)=0
 Set the value as an integer for a resource specified by handle.
virtual void SetFloatResource (const char *resourceName, double resourceVal)=0
 Set the value as a float for a given named resource.
virtual double GetFloatResource (const char *resourceName)=0
 Get the value as a float for a given named resource.
virtual void SetFloatResource (ResourceHandle handle, double resourceVal)=0
 Set the value as a float for a resource specified by handle.
virtual double GetFloatResource (ResourceHandle resourceHandle)=0
 Set the value as a float for a resource specified by handle.
- Public Member Functions inherited from RSOInterface1
virtual void Calculate (double time)=0
 The RSO Interface methods. More...
virtual void PreDraw (const OpenGLMatrices &current, Culler &culler)=0
virtual void Draw ()=0
virtual void SetResource (const char *resourceName, const char *resourceVal)=0
 Set the string value for a given named resource.
virtual const char * GetResource (const char *resourceName)=0
 Get the string value for the given resource.
virtual const char * GetResources (ResourceFilter *filter=0)=0
virtual bool HandleInput (Event *ev)=0
virtual bool SetEmittedEventHandler (EmittedEventHandler *handler)=0
virtual bool Pick3D (const Vector &winLoc, const Vector &logicalCoords, float scale, const Vector &directionVector, Vector &collisionWinLoc, const OpenGLMatrices &drawnMatrices)=0
 Pick3D returns true if the RSO was picked.
virtual bool GetBoundingSphere (Vector *center, float *radius)=0
virtual bool GetBoundingBox (Vector *min, Vector *max, const MatrixD *transform=0)=0
virtual RSOInterface1CloneObject ()=0
virtual void DeleteInstance ()=0
 Safely delete the object.

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~RSOInterface4 ()
 Protected destructor so it can't be deleted directly.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RSOInterface3
virtual ~RSOInterface3 ()
 Protected destructor so it can't be deleted directly.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RSOInterface2
virtual ~RSOInterface2 ()
 Protected destructor so it can't be deleted directly.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from RSOInterface1
virtual ~RSOInterface1 ()
 Protected destructor so it can't be deleted directly.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from RSOInterface1
static unsigned int strlen (const char *str)
static char * strcpy (char *dest, const char *src)

Detailed Description

The RSOInterface4 class defines an abstract interface to an RSO instance.

Member Function Documentation

virtual CallbackID RegisterResourceObserver ( ResourceHandle  resourceHandle,
ResourceObserver observer 
pure virtual

Register a resource observer to be notified when a resource changes *

resourceHandlethe resource handle
observerthe observer to be notified. The RSO takes ownership of the observer and will call Destroy to delete it when needed.
the id used to unregister the observer in combination with the original resourceHandle
virtual void UnregisterResourceObserver ( ResourceHandle  resourceHandle,
CallbackID  id 
pure virtual

Unregister a resource observer

resourceHandlethe resource handle used to register the observer
idthe id used to register the resource observer

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