GlsAnimation Library  1.0.5
Provides classes and functions to support animating GL Studio objects programmatically or with script files
All Classes Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CDefaultInterpolator< glsColor >Strings aren't interpreted, so they must be gated
 CDefaultInterpolator< GlsQuaternionD >Quaterions should be slerped by default
 CDefaultInterpolator< std::string >Strings aren't interpreted, so they must be gated
 Cenable_ifCreate our own version of <type_traits> meta-function which is not available on all our target platforms
 Cenable_if< true, T >Create our own version of <type_traits> function which is not available on all our target platforms
 CFloatSelectorA helper class for choosing the required floating-point type
 CFloatSelector< Vector >Vector only handles float arithmetic. Most types can use the default
 Cis_convertibleReplacement for std::is_convertible, adapted from Loki 0.1.7
 Cis_convertible< T, T >
 Cis_convertible< T, void >
 Cis_convertible< void, T >
 Cis_convertible< void, void >
 Cis_sameCreate our own version of <type_traits> meta-function which is not available on all our target platforms
 Cis_same2For easier reading, test whether T is either the same type as U or the same as V
 Cis_same< T, T >Create our own version of <type_traits> meta-function which is not available on all our target platforms
 CGlsAnimationBase class for all animations
 CGlsAnimationCollectionContains a set of animations that are played in parallel with the SetKey() method
 CGlsAnimationJugglerA class used to schedule and manage multiple animations
 CGlsKeyframeCurveClass template for keyframe curves of different types (double, Vector, etc.)
 CGlsKeyframeCurveBaseBase class for the keyframe curve class template
 CGlsKeyframeInterpolatorAn abstract base class for all keyframe interpolators
 CGlsSphericalLinearInterpolator< GlsQuaternionD >Implementation of GlsSphericalLinearInterpolator for quaternions
 CGlsSphericalLinearInterpolator< Vector >