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Vertex Class Reference

#include <vertex.h>

Inheritance diagram for Vertex:

Public Member Functions

 Vertex ()
 Vertex (const VertexNoColor &noColor)
 Vertex (const VertexNoColor &noColor, const glsColor &_color)
 Vertex (float _x, float _y, float _z)
 Vertex (float _x, float _y, float _z, unsigned char _r, unsigned char _g, unsigned char _b, unsigned char _a)
 Vertex (float _x, float _y, float _z, const glsColor &_color)
Vertex operator+ (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
Vertex operator* (const float s) const
Vertex Rotate (const float angle) const
Vertex Rotate (const VertexNoColor &orig, const float angle) const
Vertex Rotate (const VertexNoColor &orig, const float angle, const int axis) const
Vertex Rotate (const VertexNoColor &orig, const float theta, const Vector &r) const
Vertex operator- (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
Vertex operator- () const
Vertex operator* (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
Vertex CrossProduct (const VertexNoColor &w) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from VertexNoColor
 VertexNoColor ()
 VertexNoColor (float _x, float _y, float _z)
float Distance3Squared (const VertexNoColor &v) const
float DistanceFromLineSquared (const float startx, const float starty, const float startz, const VertexNoColor &direction) const
float Distance3 (const VertexNoColor &v) const
float Distance2Squared (const VertexNoColor &v) const
float Distance2 (const VertexNoColor &v) const
VertexNoColor operator+ (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
VertexNoColor operator- () const
VertexNoColor operator* (const float s) const
VertexNoColoroperator*= (const float s)
VertexNoColor operator/ (const float s) const
VertexNoColoroperator/= (const float s)
VertexNoColoroperator+= (const VertexNoColor &arg)
VertexNoColor operator- (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
VertexNoColoroperator-= (const VertexNoColor &arg)
bool operator== (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
bool operator!= (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
VertexNoColor operator* (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
VertexNoColor Rotate (const float angle) const
VertexNoColor Rotate (const VertexNoColor &orig, const float angle) const
VertexNoColor Rotate (const VertexNoColor &orig, const float angle, const int axis) const
VertexNoColor Rotate (const VertexNoColor &orig, const float angle, const Vector &r) const
void Normalize (void)
float Magnitude () const
float MagnitudeSquared () const
VertexNoColor CrossProduct (const VertexNoColor &w) const
float DotProduct (const VertexNoColor &w) const
float AngleToVector (const VertexNoColor &arg) const
bool PointInTriangle (const VertexNoColor &a, const VertexNoColor &b, const VertexNoColor &c) const
bool CloseTo (const VertexNoColor &arg, float tolerance=0.0001f) const
float DistanceFromLine (const VertexNoColor &start, const VertexNoColor &direction) const
VertexNoColor ProjectPointToLine (const VertexNoColor &origin, const VertexNoColor &direction) const

Detailed Description

A 3D coordinate in space with an RGBA color value

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Vertex ( )

Simple constructor. Ensures all values are initialized

Vertex ( const VertexNoColor noColor)

Just add the default color constructor

Vertex ( const VertexNoColor noColor,
const glsColor _color 

Just add the color constructor

Vertex ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z 

Position only constructor. Color values are set to defaults

_xThe X value of the vertex, in logical units
_yThe Y value of the vertex, in logical units
_zThe Z value of the vertex, in logical units
Vertex ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z,
unsigned char  _r,
unsigned char  _g,
unsigned char  _b,
unsigned char  _a 

Position only constructor. Color values are set to defaults

_xThe X value of the vertex, in logical units
_yThe Y value of the vertex, in logical units
_zThe Z value of the vertex, in logical units
_rThe R value of the color of the vertex 0-255
_gThe G value of the color of the vertex 0-255
_bThe B value of the color of the vertex 0-255
_aThe A value of the color of the vertex 0-255
Vertex ( float  _x,
float  _y,
float  _z,
const glsColor _color 

Position only constructor. Color values are set to defaults

_xThe X value of the vertex, in logical units
_yThe Y value of the vertex, in logical units
_zThe Z value of the vertex, in logical units
_colorThe value of the color of the vertex

Member Function Documentation

Vertex CrossProduct ( const VertexNoColor w) const

Returns the vector cross-product of this vector with the argument vector HS Algebra review: vector cross-product is the vector that is perpendicular to the two given vectors.

wSecond vector
The resulting cross-product (vector)
Vertex operator* ( const float  s) const

Compute the result of multiplying this point by a scalar

sThe Scalar to multiply by
A new vertex V2 where V2 = this * s
Vertex operator* ( const VertexNoColor arg) const

Computes the result of muliplying this point to another one.

argvertex to multiple with
resulting vertex
Vertex operator+ ( const VertexNoColor arg) const

Compute the result of adding this point to another one, in 3D

argThe vertex to add to this one
A new vertex V2 where V2 = this + v
Vertex operator- ( const VertexNoColor arg) const

Compute the result of subtracting this point from another one, in 3D

argThe vertex to subtract from this one
A new vertex V2 where V2 = this - v
Vertex operator- ( ) const

Negation operator

Vertex Rotate ( const float  angle) const

Rotate this point in 2D around the z axis

angleThe angle to rotate around, in degrees.
The rotated vertex
Vertex Rotate ( const VertexNoColor orig,
const float  angle 
) const

Rotate this point around a different point in 2D around the z axis

origThe rotation origin to rotate around.
angleThe angle to rotate around, in degrees.
The rotated vertex
Vertex Rotate ( const VertexNoColor orig,
const float  angle,
const int  axis 
) const

Rotate this point around a different point in 2D around the z axis

origThe rotation origin to rotate around.
angleThe angle to rotate around, in degrees.
axisThe axis to rotate 180 degrees around. x = 1, y = 2, z = 3.
The rotated vertex
Vertex Rotate ( const VertexNoColor orig,
const float  theta,
const Vector r 
) const

Rotate this vertex by angle theta around an arbitrary axis r Return the rotated point. Positive angles are anticlockwise looking down the axis towards the origin.

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