Python Script Engine  8.1
GL Studio Editor Python Script API
All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Modules Pages
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 Catalyzer.iThe Catalyzer Python interface file
 CodeGenerator.iThe CodeGenerator Python interface file
 ComponentRef.iThe ComponentRef Python interface file
 DisplayObject.iThe DisplayObject Python interface file
 DisplayObjectArray.iThe DisplayObjectArray Python interface file
 DistiArrayIterator.iThe DiSTI Array Iterator Python helper
 Document.iThe Document Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 DocumentInfo.iThe DocumentInfo Python interface file
 Editor.iThe Editor Python Script Engine global features
 EditorLog.iThe EditorLog Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 EditorUI.iThe GL Studio editor ui features - Python interface file
 Effect_DiffNormSpecRefl.iThe Effect_DiffNormSpecRefl class
 FileMonitor.iThe FileMonitor Python interface file
 Font.iThe Font Python interface file
 FontPalette.iThe FontPalette Python interface file
 GLPolygon.iThe GLPolygon interface file
 Gls3DCable.iThe python script extension to the GL Studio 3D Cable plugin
 gls_schematic_poly_line_interconnect.iThe GlsSchematicPolyLineInterconnect Python interface file
 gls_schematic_tee_interconnect.iThe GlsSchematicTeeInterconnect Python interface file
 GlsAdvancedMesh.iThe GlsAdvancedMesh Python interface file
 GlsAngularScale.iThe GlsAngularScale Python interface file
 GlsASEImporter.iThe ASE File Importer Python Script Engine interface class
 GlsClippingGroup.iThe GlsClippingGroup Python interface file
 glsColor.iThe glsColor Python interface file
 GlsCTLTextBox.iThe GlsCTLTextBox Python interface file
 GlsCylinder.iThe GlsCylinder Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 GlsDWBImporter.iThe DWB File Importer Python Script Engine interface file
 GlsDynamicPath.iThe GlsDynamicPath Python interface file
 GlsEllipse.iThe ellipse scripting extension class
 GlsEyePoint.iThe GlsEyePoint Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 GlsFLTImporter.iThe FLT File Importer Python interface file
 GlsFontFactory.iThe GlsFontFactory Python interface file
 GlsGeometryResource.iThe GlsGeometryResource Python interface file
 GlsKnob.iThe GlsKnob Python interface file
 GlsLightSource.iThe GlsLightSource Python interface file
 GlsLinearFloatController.iThe GlsLinearFloatController Python interface file
 GlsLinearScale.iThe GlsLinearScale Python interface file
 GlsLodGroup.iThe GlsLodGroup Python interface file
 GlsMatrixAffine.iThe GlsMatrixAffine Python interface file
 GlsMimicGroup.iThe GlsMimicGroup Python interface file
 GlsMovieTexture.iThe GlsMovieTexture Python interface file
 GlsMovingEye.iThe GlsMovingEye Python interface file
 GlsMultiView.iThe GlsMultiView Python interface file
 GlsMutexGroup.iThe GlsMutexGroup Python interface file
 GlsNinePatch.iThe GlsNinePatch Python interface file
 GlsNurbCurve.iThe GlsNurbCurve python interface file
 GlsOBJImporter.iThe OBJ File Importer Python interface file
 GlsOdometer.iThe GlsOdometer Python interface file
 GlsPathManager.iThe GlsPathManager Python interface file
 GlsPolyLine.iThe GlsPolyLine Python interface file
 GlsPSDImporter.iThe PSD File Importer Python interface file
 GlsPushButton.iThe GlsPushButton Python interface file
 GlsRenderEffect.iThe GlsRenderEffect Python interface file
 GlsSerialMorphMesh.iThe GlsSerialMorphMesh interface file
 GlsSphere.iThe GlsSphere Python interface file
 GlsSwitch.iThe GlsSwitch Python interface file
 GlsTextBox.iThe GlsTextBox Python interface file
 GlsTextGrid.iThe GlsTextGrid Python interface file
 GlsThumbWheel.iThe GlsThumbWheel Python interface file
 GlsVideoToTexture.iThe GlsVideoToTexture Python interface file
 GlsVMFImporter.iThe VMF File Importer Python Script Engine interface class
 GlsWMFImporter.iThe WMF File Importer Python Script Engine interface class
 GLTriMesh.iThe GLTriMesh Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 GlyphRange.iThe GlyphRange Python interface file
 Group.iThe Group Python interface file
 HtmlDialog.iThe HtmlDialog Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 HtmlDock.iThe HtmlDock Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 InfoWindow.iThe InfoWindow Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 Kit.iThe GL Studio editor Kit (common functions between projects and packages) - Python interface file
 Material.iThe Material Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 MaterialArray.iThe MaterialArray Python interface file
 Method.iThe Method Python interface file
 PackageManager.iThe GL Studio Package Manager Python interface file
 ProgressWindow.iThe ProgressWindow Python Script Engine Wrapper class
 Project.iThe GL Studio editor Project - Python interface file
 Property.iThe Property Python interface file
 PythonScriptEngineCmdLine.iThe Python Script Engine Command Line interface file
 RSOAvailableAttributesArray.iThe RSOAvailableAttributesArray Python interface file
 RSOInitialAttributeValuesArray.iThe RSOInitialAttributesArray Python interface file
 SoundItem.iThe SoundItem Python interface file
 SoundList.iThe SoundList Python interface file
 std_vector_std_string.iA common definition for a vector of strings
 Text.iText Python interface file
 TexturePalette.iThe Texture Palette Python interface file
 TexturePaletteEntry.iThe Texture Palette Entry Python interface file
 UserDefinedAttribute.iThe UserDefinedAttribute wrapper class
 UserDefinedValueAttribute.iThe UserDefinedValueAttribute wrapper class
 UserDefinedValueAttributeList.iThe UserDefinedValueAttributeList wrapper class
 Variable.iThe Variable wrapper class
 Vector.iThe Vector wrapper class
 VectorArray.iThe VectorArray Python interface file
 Vertex.iThe Vertex wrapper class
 VertexArray.iThe VertexArray Python interface file
 VertexAttribIndexLookup.iThe VertexAttribIndexLookup class