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Python Script Engine
GL Studio Editor Python Script API
Catalyzer.i | The Catalyzer Python interface file |
CodeGenerator.i | The CodeGenerator Python interface file |
ComponentRef.i | The ComponentRef Python interface file |
DisplayObject.i | The DisplayObject Python interface file |
DisplayObjectArray.i | The DisplayObjectArray Python interface file |
DistiArrayIterator.i | The DiSTI Array Iterator Python helper |
Document.i | The Document Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
DocumentInfo.i | The DocumentInfo Python interface file |
Editor.i | The Editor Python Script Engine global features |
EditorLog.i | The EditorLog Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
EditorUI.i | The GL Studio editor ui features - Python interface file |
Effect_DiffNormSpecRefl.i | The Effect_DiffNormSpecRefl class |
FileMonitor.i | The FileMonitor Python interface file |
Font.i | The Font Python interface file |
FontPalette.i | The FontPalette Python interface file |
GLPolygon.i | The GLPolygon interface file |
Gls3DCable.i | The python script extension to the GL Studio 3D Cable plugin |
gls_schematic_poly_line_interconnect.i | The GlsSchematicPolyLineInterconnect Python interface file |
gls_schematic_tee_interconnect.i | The GlsSchematicTeeInterconnect Python interface file |
GlsAdvancedMesh.i | The GlsAdvancedMesh Python interface file |
GlsAngularScale.i | The GlsAngularScale Python interface file |
GlsASEImporter.i | The ASE File Importer Python Script Engine interface class |
GlsClippingGroup.i | The GlsClippingGroup Python interface file |
glsColor.i | The glsColor Python interface file |
GlsCTLTextBox.i | The GlsCTLTextBox Python interface file |
GlsCylinder.i | The GlsCylinder Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
GlsDWBImporter.i | The DWB File Importer Python Script Engine interface file |
GlsDynamicPath.i | The GlsDynamicPath Python interface file |
GlsEllipse.i | The ellipse scripting extension class |
GlsEyePoint.i | The GlsEyePoint Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
GlsFLTImporter.i | The FLT File Importer Python interface file |
GlsFontFactory.i | The GlsFontFactory Python interface file |
GlsGeometryResource.i | The GlsGeometryResource Python interface file |
GlsKnob.i | The GlsKnob Python interface file |
GlsLightSource.i | The GlsLightSource Python interface file |
GlsLinearFloatController.i | The GlsLinearFloatController Python interface file |
GlsLinearScale.i | The GlsLinearScale Python interface file |
GlsLodGroup.i | The GlsLodGroup Python interface file |
GlsMatrixAffine.i | The GlsMatrixAffine Python interface file |
GlsMimicGroup.i | The GlsMimicGroup Python interface file |
GlsMovieTexture.i | The GlsMovieTexture Python interface file |
GlsMovingEye.i | The GlsMovingEye Python interface file |
GlsMultiView.i | The GlsMultiView Python interface file |
GlsMutexGroup.i | The GlsMutexGroup Python interface file |
GlsNinePatch.i | The GlsNinePatch Python interface file |
GlsNurbCurve.i | The GlsNurbCurve python interface file |
GlsOBJImporter.i | The OBJ File Importer Python interface file |
GlsOdometer.i | The GlsOdometer Python interface file |
GlsPathManager.i | The GlsPathManager Python interface file |
GlsPolyLine.i | The GlsPolyLine Python interface file |
GlsPSDImporter.i | The PSD File Importer Python interface file |
GlsPushButton.i | The GlsPushButton Python interface file |
GlsRenderEffect.i | The GlsRenderEffect Python interface file |
GlsSerialMorphMesh.i | The GlsSerialMorphMesh interface file |
GlsSphere.i | The GlsSphere Python interface file |
GlsSwitch.i | The GlsSwitch Python interface file |
GlsTextBox.i | The GlsTextBox Python interface file |
GlsTextGrid.i | The GlsTextGrid Python interface file |
GlsThumbWheel.i | The GlsThumbWheel Python interface file |
GlsVideoToTexture.i | The GlsVideoToTexture Python interface file |
GlsVMFImporter.i | The VMF File Importer Python Script Engine interface class |
GlsWMFImporter.i | The WMF File Importer Python Script Engine interface class |
GLTriMesh.i | The GLTriMesh Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
GlyphRange.i | The GlyphRange Python interface file |
Group.i | The Group Python interface file |
Highlighter.i | Highlighter |
HtmlDialog.i | The HtmlDialog Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
HtmlDock.i | The HtmlDock Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
InfoWindow.i | The InfoWindow Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
Kit.i | The GL Studio editor Kit (common functions between projects and packages) - Python interface file |
Material.i | The Material Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
MaterialArray.i | The MaterialArray Python interface file |
Method.i | The Method Python interface file |
PackageManager.i | The GL Studio Package Manager Python interface file |
ProgressWindow.i | The ProgressWindow Python Script Engine Wrapper class |
Project.i | The GL Studio editor Project - Python interface file |
Property.i | The Property Python interface file |
PythonScriptEngineCmdLine.i | The Python Script Engine Command Line interface file |
RSOAvailableAttributesArray.i | The RSOAvailableAttributesArray Python interface file |
RSOInitialAttributeValuesArray.i | The RSOInitialAttributesArray Python interface file |
SoundItem.i | The SoundItem Python interface file |
SoundList.i | The SoundList Python interface file |
std_vector_std_string.i | A common definition for a vector of strings |
Text.i | Text Python interface file |
TexturePalette.i | The Texture Palette Python interface file |
TexturePaletteEntry.i | The Texture Palette Entry Python interface file |
UserDefinedAttribute.i | The UserDefinedAttribute wrapper class |
UserDefinedValueAttribute.i | The UserDefinedValueAttribute wrapper class |
UserDefinedValueAttributeList.i | The UserDefinedValueAttributeList wrapper class |
Variable.i | The Variable wrapper class |
Vector.i | The Vector wrapper class |
VectorArray.i | The VectorArray Python interface file |
Vertex.i | The Vertex wrapper class |
VertexArray.i | The VertexArray Python interface file |
VertexAttribIndexLookup.i | The VertexAttribIndexLookup class |