DataDirector API
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Classes | Typedefs | Functions
disti Namespace Reference


class  AssetCallbackContainer
class  AttributeChangedEmitter
class  ChunkAttribute
class  ChunkAttributeList
class  ChunkDescription
class  ChunkDescriptionList
class  ChunkProducer
class  ChunkProducerFactory
class  DataDirectorViewer
 Viewer class. Contains a RSO Window and DataDirector instance. More...
class  DDD_AssetAdded_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the AssetAdded event. More...
class  DDD_AssetBase
 A virtual interface class for all DataDirector assets. More...
class  DDD_AssetContainer
 A virtual interface class for containers of assets. Allows assets to find each other, exchange events and update attributes of each other. More...
class  DDD_AssetDeleted_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the AssetDeleted event. More...
class  DDD_AssetFactory
 The DDD_AssetFactory class. Factory for creating Data Director assets. More...
class  DDD_AssetList
 The DDD_AssetList class. Maintains a list of Data Director assets. More...
class  DDD_AssetObserver
 A virtual interface class for observers of assets. AssetObservers are able to be notified when an asset deletes and readds its attribute list. More...
class  DDD_AssetSelected_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the AssetSelected event. More...
class  DDD_AssetShifted_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the AssetShifted event. More...
class  DDD_AssetStarted_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the AssetStarted event. More...
class  DDD_AttributeBase
 A virtual interface class for all DataDirector attribute types. More...
class  DDD_AttributeBool
 DataDirector attribute class corresponding to a boolean datatype. More...
class  DDD_AttributeByteBuffer
 DataDirector attribute class corresponding to a character array datatype. More...
class  DDD_AttributeContainer
 DDD_AttributeContainer. A virtual interface class for containers of attributes. More...
class  DDD_AttributeConversionException
 Exception thrown whenever attempt to convert an attribute failed. More...
class  DDD_AttributeDouble
 DataDirector attribute class corresponding to a double-precision float datatype. More...
class  DDD_AttributeInt
 DataDirector attribute class corresponding to a signed 32-bit integer datatype. More...
class  DDD_AttributeList
 The DDD_AttributeList class. Maintains a list of Data Director attributes. More...
class  DDD_AttributeObserver
 A virtual interface class for observers of attributes. AttributeObserver-derived objects are able to be notified when an attribute changes. More...
class  DDD_AttributeString
 DataDirector attribute class corresponding to a string datatype. More...
class  DDD_AttributeUInt
 DataDirector attribute class corresponding to a unsigned 32-bit integer datatype. More...
class  DDD_Base
 The DDD_Base class. Base class for Data Director objects. More...
class  DDD_ConfigurationCleared_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the ConfigurationCleared event. More...
class  DDD_Connection
 The DDD_Connection class. Base class for connections between assets. More...
class  DDD_ConnectionAdded_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the ConnectionAdded event. More...
class  DDD_ConnectionDeleted_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the ConnectionDeleted event. More...
class  DDD_ConnectionEndpoint
 The DDD_ConnectionEndpoint class. Endpoints are used as inputs and outputs to connections. More...
class  DDD_ConnectionSelected_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the ConnectionSelected event. More...
class  DDD_ConnectionShifted_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the ConnectionShifted event. More...
class  DDD_ConvertAssign
 Assignment Converter. More...
class  DDD_ConvertBase
 Abstract base class for all DDD_DataDirector converters. More...
class  DDD_ConvertClamp
 Clamp Converter. More...
class  DDD_ConvertConstant
 Constant Converter. More...
class  DDD_ConverterFactory
 The DDD_ConverterFactory class. Factory for creating Data Director converters. More...
class  DDD_ConvertExpression
class  DDD_ConvertFormat
 Format String Converter. More...
class  DDD_ConvertMean
 Mean (Average) Converter. More...
class  DDD_ConvertOffset
 Offset Converter. More...
class  DDD_ConvertScale
 Offset Converter. More...
class  DDD_ConvertSubroutine
class  DDD_CSVLog
 DDD_CSVLog. Logging observer that outputs to a CSV file. More...
class  DDD_DataDirector
 DDD_DataDirector. Main interface to DataDirector core that encapsulates all Assets, Connections and core logic. More...
class  DDD_DirectoryTraverser
class  DDD_DynamicLibraryPlugin
 The DynamicLibrary class. A cross-platform class for loading dynamic link libraries and shared objects. More...
class  DDD_EndpointList
 The DDD_EndpintList class. A list of DDD_Endpoints. More...
class  DDD_EventPublisher
 The DDD_EventPublisher class. Central class for publishing events. Contains all logic for registering subscribers, unregistering event subscribers, dispatching events, and notifying even subscribers. More...
class  DDD_GlsComponentBaseAdapter
class  DDD_GlsDisplayFrameAdapter
class  DDD_Log
 Central logging class. Handles all of the logic for registering/unregistering observers, accepting log entries, and notifying log observers. More...
class  DDD_LogEntry
 Simple container for log entries. More...
class  DDD_LogFacade
 Facade to provide a simpler interface to the DDD_Log singleton. Its second purpose is for decoupling; it eliminates user plugins dependencies on DDD_Log (and its dependencies). More...
class  DDD_LogObserver
 Abstract base class for log observers. More...
class  DDD_ObjectEvent
 The DDD_ObjectEvent class. A Data Director class for GL Studio object events. More...
class  DDD_ObjectEventSubscriber
 A virtual interface class for subscribers to object events. More...
class  DDD_PathManager
class  DDD_PerformanceMonitor
 Performance monitor class; profiles an individual task. More...
class  DDD_PerformanceMonitorSystem
 A collection of DDD_PerformanceMonitors. A singleton. More...
class  DDD_PluginMgr
class  DDD_ProgressPublisher
 Base class used by children of processes requesting periodic status updates. More...
class  DDD_RevertableAttribute
 Revertable attribute; for dynamic attributes that can be reset to a default value. More...
class  DDD_RevertableAttributeList
 List of revertable attributes. More...
class  DDD_RSOAsset
 The DDD_RSOAsset class. DataDirector asset class that controls GL Studio RSOs. More...
class  DDD_SimpleStreamLog
 DDD_SimpleStreamLog. Logging observer that outputs to a stream. More...
class  DDD_StreamLog
 DDD_StreamLog. Logging observer that outputs to a stream. More...
class  DDD_StructuredMemoryAsset
class  DDD_ViewerRunning_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the ViewerRunning event. More...
class  DDD_XMLConfigLoading_Subscriber
 Abstract base class for subscribers of the XMLConfigLoading event. More...
class  DDD_XMLConfigMgr
 Object that encapsulates XML loading and saving methods. More...
class  DIS_Producer
class  DynamicArray
 A templated array of objects. The array dynamically resizes as needed. More...
class  DynamicPtrArray
 A templated array of object pointers. The array dynamically resizes as needed. More...
struct  ENTITY_ID
class  IDataDirectorViewerFrontend
 Interface for GUI that utilizes the DataDirectorViewer (ie- DataDirector Editor) More...
class  InjectedEventHandlerComponent
class  InjectedObjectEvent
class  RawProducer
class  RSOMetaDataSchemaPublisher
class  RuleDefinition
class  RuleElement
class  StructuredMemory_XML_Config
class  Timer
class  UnknownAsset
struct  WindowAttributes
class  XMLConfigTarget
 Abstract base class for any object that uses DDD_XMLConfigMgr. More...
class  XplaneProducer


typedef DynamicPtrArray< DDD_Connection * > DDD_ConnectionList
 List of DataDirector connections.
typedef DynamicPtrArray< AssetCallbackContainer * > AssetCreateCallbackList
typedef DynamicPtrArray< DDD_ObjectEvent * > DDD_ObjectEventList
 The DDD_ObjectEventList class. Maintains a list of DDD_ObjectEvents.
typedef DynamicPtrArray< DDD_ObjectEventSubscriber * > DDD_ObjectEventSubscriberList
 The DDD_ObjectEventSubscriber class. Maintains a list of DDD_ObjectEventSubscribers.
typedef void(* ProgressCallback) (float)
 Progress Callback function. More...
typedef DynamicArray< std::string, false > DDD_StringList
 List of std::strings.
typedef unsigned char UINT_8
typedef unsigned short UINT_16
typedef unsigned int UINT_32


std::string GenerateUniqueIdentifier ()
 Generates unique string. More...
char * FormatVarArgList (const char *format, va_list args)
 Allocates a char buffer based on a format string and variable argument list The caller should delete the buffer after using it. More...
std::string MakeValidCIdentifier (std::string name)
bool StringListContains (DDD_StringList &list, const std::string &value)
 Utility function for finding specific string within a DDD_StringList. More...
void Tokenize (const std::string &str, const std::string &delim, DDD_StringList &tokens)
 Tokenizes the string passed in and populates the string list. More...
ChunkProducerCreateDISProducer ()
ChunkProducerCreateRawProducer ()
ChunkProducerCreateXplaneProducer ()

Detailed Description

Contains DataDirector classes and other DiSTI code.

Typedef Documentation

Lsit of AssetCreateCallbacks

DIS Protocol typedefs

typedef void(* ProgressCallback) (float)

Progress Callback function.

percentageCompletion percentage from 0.0f to 100.0f
typedef unsigned short UINT_16

Unsigned int, 16 bits

typedef unsigned int UINT_32

Unsigned int, 32 bits

typedef unsigned char UINT_8

Unsigned int, 8 bits

Function Documentation

ChunkProducer* disti::CreateDISProducer ( )

Creator function for DIS_Producer used by ChunkProducerFactory

ChunkProducer* disti::CreateRawProducer ( )

Creator function for RawProducer used by ChunkProducerFactory

ChunkProducer* disti::CreateXplaneProducer ( )

Creator function for XplaneProducer used by ChunkProducerFactory

char* disti::FormatVarArgList ( const char *  format,
va_list  args 

Allocates a char buffer based on a format string and variable argument list The caller should delete the buffer after using it.

formatC style printf format string
argsC style argument list for printf
A char buffer containing the formatted string
std::string disti::GenerateUniqueIdentifier ( )

Generates unique string.

Returns unique string
std::string disti::MakeValidCIdentifier ( std::string  name)

Converts a string to a valid C identifier by replacing any non-alphanumeric characters with '_' and making sure first non '_' is an alpha character.

nameThe string to change
bool disti::StringListContains ( DDD_StringList list,
const std::string &  value 

Utility function for finding specific string within a DDD_StringList.

listThe string list to search
valueThe value to search for
Returns true if the given list contains the specified value
void disti::Tokenize ( const std::string &  str,
const std::string &  delim,
DDD_StringList tokens 

Tokenizes the string passed in and populates the string list.

strA string containing a list of tokens separated by delimites
tokenThe token character that separates tokens
tokensA string list that will contain the tokens. This list will be emptied by Tokenize prior to being populated.