GL Studio API
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GlsMimicGroup Class Reference

#include <gls_mimic_group.h>

Inheritance diagram for GlsMimicGroup:
Group DisplayObject AttributeChangedNotifier WeakReferenceableMixin WeakReferenceable

Public Member Functions

 GlsMimicGroup (bool generateInstance=false)
virtual ~GlsMimicGroup ()
virtual void SetAvailableAttributes (unsigned int value)
virtual DisplayObjectCloneObject (bool generateNames=false)
virtual void CopyProperties (DisplayObject *src)
virtual InterfaceListTypeGetCppInterfaceDescription (InterfaceListType *addToThisList=NULL)
virtual void GetCppInterfaceDescriptionFree (InterfaceListType *array)
virtual void Draw (void)
virtual void SetValue (int spec, va_list &args)
virtual unsigned int TextureWidth () const
virtual void TextureWidth (unsigned int textureWidth)
virtual unsigned int TextureHeight () const
virtual void TextureHeight (unsigned int textureHeight)
virtual bool HasDepthBuffer () const
virtual void HasDepthBuffer (bool hasDepthBuffer)
virtual bool GenerateMipMaps () const
virtual void GenerateMipMaps (bool generate)
virtual bool DrawMimicGroupPolygon () const
virtual void DrawMimicGroupPolygon (bool draw)
virtual unsigned char MimicGroupDepthTest () const
virtual void MimicGroupDepthTest (unsigned char depthSettings)
virtual glsColor ClearColor () const
virtual void ClearColor (const glsColor &color)
virtual int AttachedTextureIndex () const
virtual void AttachedTextureIndex (int textureIndex)
bool MimicGroupActive (void)
void MimicGroupActive (bool activate)
void BottomLeftCorner (const Vector &bottomLeftCorner)
Vector BottomLeftCorner (void)
void TopRightCorner (const Vector &topRightCorner)
Vector TopRightCorner (void) const
bool ShowOutline (void) const
void ShowOutline (bool showOutline)
bool Redraw (void) const
void Redraw (bool redraw)
bool UseOpaqueTexture (void) const
void UseOpaqueTexture (bool opaque)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Group
DisplayObjectFindByName (const char *name)
virtual DisplayObjectFindByNameSameFrame (const char *name)
DisplayObjectFindByName (DisplayObject *obj)
DisplayObjectFindByQualifiedName (const char *name)
DisplayObjectFindNonRecursive (DisplayObject *obj)
DisplayObjectArrayObjects (void)
DisplayObjectItem (unsigned int index)
bool PerformGroupCullCheck (void) const
void PerformGroupCullCheck (bool mode)
bool CullTestChildren (void) const
void CullTestChildren (bool mode)
unsigned int Count (void) const
DisplayObjectPtr operator[] (unsigned int index)
DisplayObjectFirstObject ()
DisplayObjectLastObject (void)
bool IsEmpty () const
int Position (DisplayObject *obj)
 Group (int generateInstance=0)
 Group (const Group &group, bool generateNames)
void InitialGroupCount (unsigned int cnt)
virtual ~Group ()
virtual void DeleteAllChildren ()
virtual void CopyGeometry (DisplayObject *src)
virtual void PreDraw (const OpenGLMatrices &current, Culler &culler)
virtual bool Hit (float x, float y, float z, float scale, const Vector &directionVector, Vector *collisionPoint)
virtual DisplayObjectPick3D (const Vector &winLoc, const Vector &logicalCoords, float scale, const Vector &directionVector, Vector &collisionWinLoc, const OpenGLMatrices &drawnMatrices)
virtual void Parent (DisplayFrame *par)
virtual void Location (const Vertex &v)
virtual void Location (float x, float y, float z)
virtual void Translate (float x, float y, float z)
virtual void Translate (float transAmount[])
virtual void TranslateVertices (float x, float y, float z)
virtual void GetExtents (float &x, float &y, float &z, float &x1, float &y1, float &z1)
virtual void GetTransformedExtents (Vector &min, Vector &max, const GlsMatrixType &matrix, bool resetMinMax=true)
virtual void Rotate (const Vector &orig, float angle, const Vector &axis)
virtual void Scale (float scale_x, float scale_y, float scale_z, Vertex *anchor=NULL, int handle=0)
virtual void InsertObject (DisplayObject *obj, bool reparent=true, bool recalculateBoundingbox=true, int loc=-1)
virtual bool DeleteObject (DisplayObject *obj, bool recalculateBoundingbox=true)
virtual void ReorderObject (unsigned int oldIndex, unsigned int newIndex)
virtual void PushObject (DisplayObject *obj)
virtual void DeleteVertex (unsigned int index)
virtual void InsertVertex (unsigned int index)
virtual void SetGroupLocation (const Vertex &v)
virtual void GetResources (std::ostream &outstr, GlsResourceFilter *filter=NULL)
virtual void CalculateTextureCoordinates (void)
virtual void LineWidth (float width)
virtual float LineWidth (void)
virtual void LineStipplePattern (int pattern)
virtual int LineStipplePattern (void)
virtual void LineStippleMultiplier (int mult)
virtual int LineStippleMultiplier (void)
virtual int PolygonMode (void)
virtual void PolygonMode (int mode)
virtual void PolygonEnd (const int mode)
virtual int PolygonEnd (void)
virtual void Shading (const int mode)
virtual int Shading (void)
virtual void DepthTest (unsigned char mode)
virtual int DepthTest (void)
virtual void AntiAlias (bool mode)
virtual bool AntiAlias (void)
virtual void AlphaMode (int mode)
virtual int AlphaMode (void)
virtual void CullBackFace (const bool mode)
virtual bool CullBackFace (void)
virtual bool LightingEnabled ()
virtual void LightingEnabled (bool lighting)
virtual void SetBlendColor (const glsColor &color)
virtual glsColor GetBlendColor (void)
virtual void SetColor (const glsColor &color)
virtual glsColor GetColor (void)
virtual void SetFillColor (const glsColor &color)
virtual glsColor GetFillColor (void)
virtual void TextureRepeat (const int rep)
virtual bool TextureRepeat (void)
virtual void TextureMappingTechnique (const int map)
virtual int TextureMappingTechnique (void)
virtual void TextureMinificationFilter (const int filter)
virtual int TextureMinificationFilter (void)
virtual void TextureMagnificationFilter (const int filter)
virtual int TextureMagnificationFilter (void)
virtual void Calculate (double time)
CompatabilityListItemFirst ()
CompatabilityListItemLast ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from DisplayObject
 DisplayObject (float x, float y, float z)
 DisplayObject (const DisplayObject &object, const bool generateNames)
virtual ~DisplayObject (void)
void Destroy ()
void ApplyTextureSettings (int textureIndex=-1)
DistiAttribDictAttributes ()
void GetBlendColor (unsigned char color[])
void GetBlendColor (unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b, unsigned char &a)
void SetBlendColor (unsigned char color[])
void SetBlendColor (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
bool BlinkedOff (void)
virtual bool Blinking (void)
virtual void Blinking (const bool blink)
virtual float BlinkRate (void)
virtual void BlinkRate (const float rate)
const VectorBoundingVolumeCenter () const
void BoundingVolumeCenter (const Vector &center)
bool BoundingVolumeHit (const Vector &start, const Vector &direction)
float BoundingVolumeRadius () const
void BoundingVolumeRadius (float radius)
void CalculateCollisionPoint (const Vector &pickLoc, const Vector &directionVector, Vector *collisionPoint)
virtual void CalculateParentBoundingBox (void)
bool GetTexturePointTransformationMatrix (GlsMatrixType &world2tex)
CallbackMethodCallerBaseCallbackCaller () const
void CallbackCaller (CallbackMethodCallerBase *cb)
virtual void GetCenter (Vector &center)
void GetColor (unsigned char c4[])
void GetColor (unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b, unsigned char &a)
void SetColor (unsigned char c4[])
void SetColor (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
virtual void CopyHierarchyProperties (DisplayObject *src, bool copyName)
bool Culled () const
bool CullTest (const GlsMatrixType *matrix, const Culler &culler)
GlsMatrixTypeDcsMatrix ()
void DcsMatrix (const GlsMatrixType &matrix)
const GlsMatrixTypeDrawMatrix ()
bool NeedCalcDrawMatrix ()
void DynamicRotate (float angle, int axis)
void DynamicRotate (const Vector &v)
void DynamicRotate (float angle[])
virtual void DynamicRotate (float x, float y, float z)
virtual void DynamicRotateRelative (float angle, int axis)
virtual float DynamicRotation (int axis)
virtual Vector DynamicScale ()
virtual void DynamicScale (float x, float y, float z)
void DynamicScale (const Vector &scale)
virtual void DynamicTranslate (float x, float y, float z, bool relative=false)
void DynamicTranslate (const Vertex &amount, bool relative)
void DynamicTranslate (const Vector &amount)
virtual void DynamicTranslate (float amount, int axis, bool relative=false)
virtual float DynamicTranslation (int axis)
virtual Vector DynamicTranslation ()
DisplayObjectEditor * Editor ()
const DisplayObjectEditor * Editor () const
void Editor (DisplayObjectEditor *editor)
void GetExtentsDCS (Vector &min, Vector &max)
void GetFillColor (unsigned char &r, unsigned char &g, unsigned char &b, unsigned char &a)
void GetFillColor (unsigned char c4[])
void SetFillColor (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a)
void SetFillColor (unsigned char c4[])
virtual bool HitUtil (float x, float y, float z, float scale, Vertex *vertices, unsigned int vertex_cnt, const Vector &directionVector, Vector *collisionPoint)
char * InstanceName (void)
void InstanceName (const char *name)
virtual const VertexLocation (void) const
virtual void GetLocation (Vertex &v)
virtual void GetLocation (float &x, float &y, float &z)
float X (void) const
float Y (void) const
float Z (void) const
void X (const float x)
void Y (const float y)
void Z (const float z)
virtual int MaterialIndex ()
virtual void MaterialIndex (int index)
virtual DynamicArray< int > & MaterialIndices ()
virtual void MaterialIndices (DynamicArray< int > indices)
GlsMatrixTypeModelMatrix ()
bool NeedCalculate ()
VectorNormals ()
virtual void SetNormals (unsigned int nPoints, Vector *vertices)
void VaSetNormals (unsigned int nPoints,...)
unsigned int NumberOfVertices () const
virtual float ObjectDepth (void)
virtual float ObjectHeight (void)
virtual float ObjectWidth (void)
virtual void SetOrigin (const Vertex &vert)
DisplayFrameParent (void) const
virtual void ParentGroup (Group *group)
GroupParentGroup (void) const
unsigned char Pickable ()
virtual void Pickable (unsigned char pick)
GlsMatrixTypeProjMatrix ()
virtual void ReallocateVertices (unsigned int numVertices, bool initializeNew, bool copyOld)
virtual float RelativeAngle (const float x, const float y)
virtual DistiAttributeBaseResource (const char *name)
void RestoreAlpha (void)
void RestoreAntiAlias (void)
void RestoreLighting (void)
void RestoreLineStyle (void)
const VertexRotationPoint ()
virtual void RotationPoint (const Vertex &v)
virtual void RotationPoint (float x, float y, float z)
virtual void GetRotationPoint (Vertex &v)
virtual void Rotate (float angle, int axis=Z_AXIS)
virtual void Rotate (const Vector &origin, float angle, int axis=Z_AXIS)
void SaveMatrices ()
void Scale (int handleBar, float px, float py, Vertex *anchor=NULL)
void Set (int spec,...)
bool SetupAlpha (void)
bool SetupAntiAlias (void)
void SetupDepthTest (void)
void SetupLighting (void)
bool SetupLineStyle (void)
void SetupPolyDrawStyle (void)
void SetupShading (void)
bool SetupTexture (void)
virtual void SetTexCoords (unsigned int nPoints, Vector *new_tex_coord, bool isVectorArray=true)
void SetTexCoords (unsigned int nPoints, Vertex *new_tex_coord)
void VaSetTexCoords (unsigned int nPoints,...)
VectorTextureCoordinates (void)
VectorGetTextureCoordinates (void)
virtual int TextureIndex (void)
virtual void TextureIndex (int textureIndex)
virtual VectorGetTexturePoints (void)
virtual void UpdateBoundingVolume (void)
void * UserData (void) const
void UserData (void *data)
virtual void SetVertexColor (unsigned int vertex, unsigned char CurrentFillColor[])
virtual VertexVertices ()
virtual void SetVertices (unsigned int nPoints, Vertex *vertices)
void VaSetVertices (unsigned int nPoints,...)
int * ViewMatrix ()
bool Visible (void) const
bool Visibility (void) const
virtual void Visibility (const bool vis)
virtual Vector WorldRotationPoint (void)
virtual void WorldRotationPoint (const Vector &vert)
virtual Vertex WorldVertex (unsigned int i)
virtual void WorldVertex (unsigned int i, const Vertex &vert)
bool LogicalToWindow (const Vector &logical, Vector &winLoc, const OpenGLMatrices &alternateMatrices=OpenGLMatrices())
bool WindowToLogical (const Vector &winLoc, Vector &logical, Vector *directionVector=NULL, const OpenGLMatrices &alternateMatrices=OpenGLMatrices())
void LogicalToDCS (Vector logicalPoint, Vector &objectLocal, const Vector *directionVector, const Vector &planeNormal=Vector(0, 0, 1), const Vector &planePoint=Vector(), const GlsMatrixType *dcsMatrix=NULL)
void DCSToLogical (Vector dcsPoint, Vector &logicalPoint, const GlsMatrixType *dcsMatrix=NULL)
virtual bool GetPlaneVectorPoints (Vertex &p1, Vertex &p2, Vertex &p3, Vertex &planeVector)
void NotifyAttributeChanged (const AttributeName &name)
- Public Member Functions inherited from AttributeChangedNotifier
virtual ~AttributeChangedNotifier ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from WeakReferenceableMixin
void AddWeakReference (WeakReference *weakRef)
void NotifyWeakReferenceDestroyed (WeakReference *ref)

Static Public Member Functions

static DisplayObjectCreateInstance ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from DisplayObject
static void UseManualBlinkElapsedTime (bool useManualTime)
static void SetManualBlinkElapsedTime (double elapsedTime)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void SetMatrices ()
virtual void PreDrawMimicGroupChildren (const OpenGLMatrices &parentMatrices, Culler &culler)
void SetupMimicGroupDepthTest ()
void GetRegionCorners (Vector &topLeftCorner, Vector &topRightCorner, Vector &bottomRightCorner, Vector &bottomLeftCorner)
void ApplyMimicGroupTextureSettings ()
void CreateDiffuseTexture ()
void CreateDepthTexture ()
void CreateMimicGroupQuad ()
void CreateFrameBuffer ()
void Invalidate ()
void DeleteFrameBuffer ()
void RedrawScene ()
void DrawPolygon ()
void RegenerateMipMaps ()
DisplayObjecthandle (DisplayEvent *displayEvent)
bool RequiredGlFeaturesSupported ()
void LogUnsupportedFeatures ()
bool VertexBuffersAreSupported ()
void DrawMimicGroup ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Group
virtual void AddAvailableAttributes (unsigned int availableAttributes)
void GrowBoundingBox (DisplayObject *obj)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DisplayObject
virtual void VaListSetVertices (unsigned int nPoints, va_list args)
virtual void VaListSetNormals (unsigned int nPoints, va_list args)
virtual void VaListSetTexCoords (unsigned int nPoints, va_list args)
void AllocateModelMatrix ()
bool ApplyDynamicRotation (void)
virtual void CalcDrawMatrix ()
void CalcDrawMatrixIfExists ()
virtual void CalculateMatrices (const OpenGLMatrices &newMatrices)
bool InsideVertexExtents (float x, float y, unsigned int nVerts, Vertex *verts, float tolerance)
void NeedCalculate (bool val)
void PickSetup (float x, float y, float z, Vertex *vertices, unsigned int vertex_cnt, const Vector &directionVector)
void PickCleanup (Vertex *vertices, unsigned int vertex_cnt)
int GetApplicableTextureIndex ()
int GetApplicableTextureRepeat ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from WeakReferenceableMixin
 WeakReferenceableMixin (void)
virtual ~WeakReferenceableMixin ()

Protected Attributes

bool _frameBuffersEnabledAndAttached
bool _overrideMimicGroupActive
- Protected Attributes inherited from DisplayObject
int _alphaMode
bool _antiAlias
bool _attributesAdded
bool _blinking
float _blinkRate
glsColor _color
bool _cullBackFace
GlsMatrixType _dcsMatrix
unsigned char _depthTest
unsigned char _lineStippleMultiplier
unsigned short _lineStipplePattern
float _lineWidth
Vertex _location
unsigned int _nTex_vertices
unsigned int _nVertices
unsigned char _polygonEnd
unsigned char _polygonMode
int _polygonOffset
unsigned char _shading
glsColor _textureBlendColor
int _textureIndex
unsigned char _textureMagFilter
unsigned char _textureMinFilter
unsigned char _textureMap
Vector _texturePoints [4]
unsigned char _textureRepeat
void * _userData
int * _viewMatrix
bool _visible
- Protected Attributes inherited from WeakReferenceableMixin
DynamicArray< WeakReference * > * _weakRefs

Static Protected Attributes

static bool _unsupportedLogged

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from DisplayObject
enum  AvailableAttributesEnum

Detailed Description

The GlsMimicGroup class provides a way to group objects that change infrequently into a single textured polygon such that performance is increased due to not having to render the objects every frame. Instead, since all of the objects in the group are replaced with a single texture, performance is saved by updating the texture ONLY through handling a display event of name "MimicGroupUpdate". Whenever an object placed in this group is modified, you must write code to emit a "MimicGroupUpdate" ObjectEvent so that any changes made to its appearance will be reflected in the rendered texture.

For example: EmitObjectEvent( objectThatChanged, "MimicGroupUpdate" );

Picking and event handling for objects within the GlsMimicGroup work the same as for a regular Group, so it can contain interactive objects such as buttons, switches, etc. The GlsMimicGroup will only redraw the texture when it receives a "MimicGroupUpdate" ObjectEvent so you must write code to emit these events whenever a press, toggle, etc. affect the appearance of the object.

The GlsMimicGroup can contain 2D or 3D objects. All of these objects will be replaced with a 2D texture polygon so the GlsMimicGroup is best suited for use with panels that are mostly 2D. The GlsMimicGroup can also be useful with a collection of 3D objects as long as the GlsMimicGroup remains screen-aligned.

On older hardware that does not support the render-to-texture capabilities required by the GlsMimicGroup, the GlsMimicGroup will fall-back to rendering like a regular Group.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GlsMimicGroup ( bool  generateInstance = false)


generateInstanceWhether or not to generate an instance name for this mimic group
virtual ~GlsMimicGroup ( )

Destructs a GlsMimicGroup object

Member Function Documentation

void ApplyMimicGroupTextureSettings ( )

Apply texture settings for mimic polygon

virtual int AttachedTextureIndex ( ) const

Accessor for the GL Studio texture index the mimic will generate into.

the GL Studio texture index the mimic will generate into. If -1, then mimic will generate its own texture.
virtual void AttachedTextureIndex ( int  textureIndex)

Set the GL Studio texture index the mimic will generate into.

textureIndexthe GL Studio texture index to generate mimic into. If -1, then mimic will generate its own texture.
void BottomLeftCorner ( const Vector bottomLeftCorner)

Set the bottom left corner of mimic scene region

bottomLeftCorner(in object coordinates)
Vector BottomLeftCorner ( void  )

Accessor for the bottom left corner coordinate of the mimic scene region.

the bottom left corner of mimic scene region (in object coordinates)
virtual glsColor ClearColor ( ) const

Accessor for the mimic scene background clear color.

the RGBA color that the mimic will use to clear mimic scene background with
virtual void ClearColor ( const glsColor color)

Set the mimic scene background clear color.

colorthe RGBA color that the mimic will use to clear mimic scene background with
virtual DisplayObject* CloneObject ( bool  generateNames = false)
See also

Reimplemented from Group.

virtual void CopyProperties ( DisplayObject src)
See also

Reimplemented from Group.

void CreateDepthTexture ( )

Allocate and create the depth texture map

void CreateDiffuseTexture ( )

Allocate and create the diffuse texture map

void CreateFrameBuffer ( )

Allocate and create the frame buffer

static DisplayObject* CreateInstance ( )

Provides a way to statically create an instance of the GlsMimicGroup

an instance of a GlsMimicGroup
void CreateMimicGroupQuad ( )

Allocate and create the mimic quad

void DeleteFrameBuffer ( )

Delete the frame buffer (if it has been bound)

virtual void Draw ( void  )
See also

Reimplemented from Group.

void DrawMimicGroup ( )

Draw the mimic group. Care should be taken to call this method only when it is safe to draw the mimic group. The Draw() has the conditional structure necessary to make this decision.

virtual bool DrawMimicGroupPolygon ( ) const

Whether or not a mimic polygon will be drawn.

true if a mimic polygon will be drawn.
virtual void DrawMimicGroupPolygon ( bool  draw)

Set whether or not a mimic polygon will be drawn.

drawtrue if a mimic polygon will be drawn.
void DrawPolygon ( )

Draw the polygon for the mimic

virtual bool GenerateMipMaps ( ) const

Whether or not the mimic will generate mip maps.

true if the mimic will generate mip maps.
virtual void GenerateMipMaps ( bool  generate)

Set whether or not the mimic will generate mip maps.

generatetrue if the mimic will generate mip maps.
virtual InterfaceListType* GetCppInterfaceDescription ( InterfaceListType addToThisList = NULL)
See also

Reimplemented from Group.

virtual void GetCppInterfaceDescriptionFree ( InterfaceListType array)
See also

Reimplemented from Group.

void GetRegionCorners ( Vector topLeftCorner,
Vector topRightCorner,
Vector bottomRightCorner,
Vector bottomLeftCorner 

Get the four corners of the region transformed by the current DCS and offset by the group's location

topLeftCorner[out] receives top left corner
topRightCorner[out] receives top right corner
bottomRightCorner[out] receives bottom right corner
bottomLeftCorner[out] receives bottom left corner
DisplayObject* handle ( DisplayEvent displayEvent)
See also

Reimplemented from DisplayObject.

virtual bool HasDepthBuffer ( ) const

Whether or not the mimic will render a depth buffer.

true if the mimic will render a depth buffer.
virtual void HasDepthBuffer ( bool  hasDepthBuffer)

Set whether or not the mimic will render a depth buffer.

hasDepthBuffertrue if the mimic will render a depth buffer.
void Invalidate ( )

Cause the frame buffer to be regenerated and the scene to be redrawn

void LogUnsupportedFeatures ( )

Logs the unsupported features that the GlsMimicGroup class requires to function properly.

bool MimicGroupActive ( void  )

Whether or not the mimic is active for this group. If not active, mimic group behaves as a normal group

true if mimic is active for this group
void MimicGroupActive ( bool  activate)

Sets if mimic is active for this group If not active, mimic group behaves as a normal group

activatewhether or not to activate the mimic
virtual unsigned char MimicGroupDepthTest ( ) const

Accessor for the mimic depth test settings.

the depth settings
virtual void MimicGroupDepthTest ( unsigned char  depthSettings)

Set the mimic depth test settings.

depthSettingsthe depth settings
virtual void PreDrawMimicGroupChildren ( const OpenGLMatrices parentMatrices,
Culler culler 

Predraw case for when the mimic scene redraws

bool Redraw ( void  ) const

Whether or not the mimic group needs to redraw.

true if the mimic group needs to redraw.
void Redraw ( bool  redraw)

Set whether or not the mimic group needs to redraw

redrawthe new redraw value
void RedrawScene ( )

Redraw the scene

void RegenerateMipMaps ( )

Regenerate the mip maps

bool RequiredGlFeaturesSupported ( )

The GlsMimicGroup requres specific extensions of OpenGL which are not required elsewhere in GL Studio. This method will check that those features are supported.

True if the required features are supported.
virtual void SetAvailableAttributes ( unsigned int  value)
See also

Reimplemented from Group.

virtual void SetMatrices ( )

Set up the matrices for the root of the mimic scene. The mimic scene is drawn without regard to any parent matrices of the mimic group.

void SetupMimicGroupDepthTest ( )

Set depth buffer settings when rendering the mimic polygon

virtual void SetValue ( int  spec,
va_list &  args 
See also

Reimplemented from DisplayObject.

bool ShowOutline ( void  ) const

Whether or not the outline of the mimic polygon region should be shown in the editor.

true if region should always be drawn in the editor
void ShowOutline ( bool  showOutline)

Set whether or not the mimic polygon region should always be drawn in the editor.

showOutlinetrue if outline should always be drawn in editor
virtual unsigned int TextureHeight ( void  ) const

Accessor for the mimic texture height.

the height, in pixels, of the mimic texture.
virtual void TextureHeight ( unsigned int  textureHeight)

Set the mimic texture height.

textureHeightthe height, in pixels, of the mimic texture.
virtual unsigned int TextureWidth ( void  ) const

Accessor for the mimic texture width.

the width, in pixels, of the mimic texture.
virtual void TextureWidth ( unsigned int  textureWidth)

Set the mimic texture width.

textureWidththe width, in pixels, of the mimic texture.
void TopRightCorner ( const Vector topRightCorner)

Set the top right corner of mimic scene region

topRightCorner(in object coordinates)
Vector TopRightCorner ( void  ) const

Accessor for the top right corner coordinate of the mimic scene region.

the top right corner of mimic scene region (in object coordinates)
bool UseOpaqueTexture ( void  ) const

Whether or not the mimic group texture is RGB.

true if the mimic group texture is RGB.
void UseOpaqueTexture ( bool  opaque)

Set whether the mimic group texture is RGB or RGBA

opaquetrue for RGB, false for RGBA
bool VertexBuffersAreSupported ( )

Determines if vertex buffer objects are supported on this platform.

True if vertex buffer objects are supported on this platform.

Member Data Documentation

bool _frameBuffersEnabledAndAttached

True when frame buffer support is detected and frame buffers were attached successfully

bool _overrideMimicGroupActive

True if the mimic group is not allowed to be activated due to platform restrictions.

bool _unsupportedLogged

True if a warning has been logged to users that the mimic group feature is not supported. This keeps us from spamming the user about not being supported.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: