GL Studio C++ Runtime API
Culler Member List

This is the complete list of members for Culler, including all inherited members.

BOTTOM_PLANE enum value (defined in Culler)Culler
ClippingPlanesEnum enum nameCuller
Culler(bool enabled=true)Culler
CullResultEnum enum nameCuller
Enabled() constCullerinline
Enabled(bool newVal)Cullerinline
ExtractFrustum(OpenGLMatrices &matrices)Culler
FAR_PLANE enum value (defined in Culler)Culler
INSIDE_FRUSTUM enum valueCuller
LEFT_PLANE enum value (defined in Culler)Culler
NEAR_PLANE enum value (defined in Culler)Culler
OUTSIDE_FRUSTUM enum value (defined in Culler)Culler
Plane(const ClippingPlanesEnum &whichPlane) constCuller
RIGHT_PLANE enum value (defined in Culler)Culler
SphereInFrustum(const Vector &v, const float radius) constCuller
SphereOutsideFrustum(const Vector &center, const float radius) constCullerinline
TOP_PLANE enum value (defined in Culler)Culler