▼ glStudioWin | |
► include | |
bmpimage.h | The BmpImage class. Implements loading BMP image files |
callback_caller.h | The disti::CallbackMethodCallerTemplate class and global enumerations |
callback_caller_base.h | The CallbackMethodCallerBase class |
component_base.h | The disti::ComponentBase class |
component_light_mgr.h | The disti::ComponentLightMgr class |
ConvertUTF.h | |
cull.h | The disti::Culler class. Implements view frustum culling |
dds.h | This header defines constants and structures that are needed to parse DDS files |
ddsfile.h | DDS file loading functions |
ddsimage.h | The DDSImageLoader class. Implements loading DDS image files |
ddsutil.h | Functions for loading a DDS texture without using D3DX |
display.h | The disti::DisplayObject class and global enumerations |
display_frame.h | The disti::DisplayFrame class |
display_types.h | GL Studio Enumerations and constants |
disti_assert.h | Contains the DistiAssert macro |
disti_include.h | A file for all GL Studio files to include |
disti_metadata.h | The disti metadata |
DXGIFormat.h | |
dynamic_array.h | The disti::DynamicArray class. A templated array of objects capable of dynamically growing |
dynamic_library.h | A cross-platform class for loading dynamic link libraries and shared objects |
editor_object_base.h | Defines a base class which editor objects can derive |
embedded_display_frame.h | Disti::EmbeddedDisplayFrame class. The class for creating standalone executables for EGL |
events.h | The standard Mouse and keyboard events and event structures |
file_path_class.h | A class to handle file paths |
gifimage.h | The GifLoaderImage class. Implements loading GIF image files |
global_light_mgr.h | The disti::GlobalLightMgr |
glpolygon.h | The disti::GLPolygon class. Implements Polygons |
gls_auto_lib.h | The gls_auto_lib |
gls_buildinfo.h | SVN, status and date information for the runtime |
gls_color.h | The Color class: Implements a 4 component RGBA color |
gls_cpp_lang_support.h | Macros and helper code to determine what subset of C++11/14/17 is available |
gls_cylinder.h | The disti::GlsCylinder class |
gls_default_font.h | The gls_default_font class |
gls_display_frame.h | Disti::glsDisplayFrame class. The class for creating standalone executables |
gls_display_list.h | The disti::GlsDisplayList class |
gls_es20_effect.h | The disti::GlsEffect class. Holds information pertaining to shader programs and their uniform/attribute data |
gls_es20_effect_factory.h | GlsEffectFactory, factory for creating GlsEffect objects |
gls_es20_effect_factory_interface.h | IGlsEffectFactory, interface to a factory for creating GlsEffect objects |
gls_es20_effect_params.h | Strings and other standard enumerations used in effects |
gls_es20_shaders.h | Strings for the shaders used in the effect factory |
gls_es20_uniform.h | Templated class to hold uniform data for ES20 effects |
gls_eyepoint.h | The disti::GlsEyePoint class. Implements eyepoints |
gls_font_base.h | The disti::GlsFontBase class and related classes |
gls_font_man.h | The disti::GlsFontMan class |
gls_font_renderer.h | The disti::GlsFontRenderer class and related classes |
gls_gl.h | The gls_gl |
gls_glo_file.h | Provides classes for reading and writing GL Studio Object initialization files (GLO files) |
gls_include.h | A file for all GL Studio files to include |
gls_index_array.h | The disti::GlsIndexArray class, for managing index buffers |
gls_light_source.h | The disti::GlsLightSource class |
gls_matrix.h | The GlsMatrix class |
gls_matrix_affine.h | The GlsMatrixAffine class |
gls_metadata_attributes.h | Defines templated metadata classes for DisplayObjects and other uses |
gls_mutex.h | A cross platform mutex implementation |
gls_painter.h | The GlsPainter interface |
gls_primitive_storage_types.h | The disti::V2f, disti::V2f_C4ub, disti::V3f_C4ub, disti::V2f_T2f_C4ub, and the disti::V2f_T2f structs |
gls_quad_storage.h | The disti::GlsQuadListVC_3D and GlsQuadListVCT_2D classes |
gls_quaternion.h | The disti::GlsQuaternion class |
gls_render_view_change_manager.h | RenderViewChangeManager to smooth updating of the render view |
gls_resources.h | Disti::GlsResourceFilter classes and methods |
gls_rso_container_util.h | Standard GL Studio implementation of the rso interface (container side), disti::GlsRSO1_ResourceFilterImpl |
gls_rso_interface_1_impl.h | Standard GL Studio implementation of the safe interface to version 2 RSOs (component side) |
gls_rso_interface_2_impl.h | Standard GL Studio implementation of the safe interface to version 2 RSOs (component side) |
gls_rso_interface_3_impl.h | Standard GL Studio implementation of the safe interface to version 2 RSOs (component side) |
gls_rso_interface_impl.h | Standard GL Studio implementation of the safe interface to version 2 RSOs (component side) |
gls_rso_wrapper.h | The disti::GlsRSOWrapper class |
gls_runtime_font_base.h | The disti::GlsRuntimeFontBase class and related classes |
gls_sphere.h | The disti::GlsSphere class |
gls_state_manager.h | The disti::GlsStateManager factory class. Creates an instance of a state manager that manages the GL Studio runtime library's use of the OpenGL context, minimizing unnecessary state changes |
gls_state_manager_es20_interface.h | IGlsStateManager, interface to a state manager that manages the GL Studio runtime library's use of the OpenGL context, minimizing unnecessary state changes |
gls_state_manager_interface.h | IGlsStateManager, interface to a state manager that manages the GL Studio runtime library's use of the OpenGL context, minimizing unnecessary state changes |
gls_text.h | The disti::GlsText class |
gls_triangle_storage.h | The disti::GlsTriangleStrip2D class |
gls_unicode_font_base.h | The disti::GlsUnicodeFontBase class and related classes |
gls_version.h | Used for matching version of libraries and headers |
gls_vertex_array.h | An object for managing vertices, texture coordinates, colors and normals for GLPolygon and other display objects Used for porting DisplayObjects which use immediate mode drawing to use VBOs |
GlsArialRegular12.h | The GlsArialRegular12 class |
GlsRobotoRegular12.h | The GlsRobotoRegular12 class |
glsutil.h | GL Studio helper functions |
gltrimesh.h | The disti::GLTriMesh class. Implements Triangle Meshes |
group.h | The disti::Group class. Implements groups of objects |
IFontImage.h | IFontImage |
image.h | The Image class. All textures are converted internally into Images |
image_loaders.h | The image_loaders file |
input_handler.h | The input handler interface |
jpeg_util.h | The jpeg_util file |
jpegimage.h | The JpegImage class. Implements loading JPEG image files |
list.h | The List_c class. Generic linked list |
live_component_accessor.h | The disti::LiveComponentAccessor class |
live_component_lib_ref.h | The disti::LiveComponentLibRef class declaration |
material.h | The disti::Material class |
message.h | The Message functions. Implements Messages to the user in the form of pop-up dialog boxes, using FLTK windows |
message_dialogs.h | The Message functions. Implements Messages to the user in the form of pop-up dialog boxes, using FLTK windows |
non_copyable.h | A base class for objects that are not copyable via the standard C++ copy constructor |
plugin.h | The base class for GL Studio plugin file loaders, disti::Plugin |
plugin_interface_version.h | Used for matching version of plugins with the compatible builds of the editor |
pngimage.h | The PngImage class. Implements loading PNG image files |
psdimage.h | The PSDLoaderImage class. Implements loading Photo Shop (PSD) image files |
rgbimage.h | The RgbImageLoader class. Implements loading RGB image files |
rso_interface_1.h | Defines the RSO interface, which provides a generic way of accessing RSOs and other content, disti::RSOInterface1 |
rso_interface_2.h | Defines the RSO interface v2, which provides a generic way of accessing RSOs and other content, disti::RSOInterface2 |
rso_interface_3.h | Defines the RSO interface v3, which extends v2 to add multitouch support through the HandleMultiTouchInput method |
rso_interface_4.h | Defines the RSO interface v3, which extends v2 to add multitouch support through the HandleMultiTouchInput method |
rso_interface_5.h | Defines the RSO interface v5, which extends v4 to add conditional rendering support |
runtime_display_frame.h | The disti::RuntimeDisplayFrame class, parent class of all DisplayFrames used in runtime code |
runtime_message_dialogs.h | The Message functions. Implements Messages to the user in the form of pop-up dialog boxes, using FLTK windows |
scoped_ptr.h | A smart pointer with unique ownership – poor man's std::unique_ptr |
sound.h | The SoundSystem class for playback of audio files |
splash_display.h | The SplashDisplay class |
statistics.h | The disti::Statistics class. Tracks and displays runtime performance |
tessellate.h | Tesselator functions. Allows tesselation of complex polygons into simple ones |
texture_loader.h | The TextureLoader and TextureLoaderList classes |
texture_palette.h | The disti::TexturePalette class |
tgaimage.h | The TgaImage class. Implements loading TGA image files |
tiffimage.h | The TiffImage class. Implements loading TIFF image files |
timer.h | The disti::Timer class. An OS portable timing class |
traverser.h | The disti::TraverseGroup class and corresponding Traverse namespace |
unhide_globals.h | The DistiUnhideGlobalsDummyClass class |
util.h | Generally useful defines, macros, enumerations and function prototypes |
vertex.h | The disti::Vertex class. A class for manipulating 3D vertices |
weak_reference.h | Weak reference and related classes |
weak_referenceable_mixin.h | Weak reference and related classes |
xpmimage.h | The XpmImageLoader class. Implements loading XPM image files |
► plugins | |
► include | |
effect_diff_norm_spec_refl.h | Render effect that supports diffuse, normal, specular, and reflection maps |
effect_directx_shader.h | |
frame_buffer_utility.h | Utility for common frame buffer support |
gls_3d_cable.h | The disti::Gls3DCable class |
gls_advanced_mesh.h | The disti::GlsAdvancedMesh class |
gls_angular_scale.h | The disti::GlsAngularScale class and global enumerations |
gls_button.h | The GlsPushButton runtime class |
gls_clipping_group.h | The disti::GlsClippingGroup class |
gls_ctl_text_box.h | The disti::GlsCTLTextBox class |
gls_dynamic_path.h | The disti::GlsDynamicPath class and global enumerations |
gls_ellipse.h | The disti::GlsEllipse class |
gls_geometry_resource.h | The disti::GlsGeometryResource class |
gls_geometry_resource_mesh.h | The disti::GlsGeometryResourceMesh class |
gls_knob.h | The disti::GlsKnob class |
gls_linear_float_controller.h | Implementation of GlsLinearFloatController |
gls_linear_scale.h | The disti::GlsLinearScale class |
gls_lod_group.h | The disti::GlsLodGroup class |
gls_mimic_group.h | |
gls_movie_texture.h | The GlsMovieTexture class |
gls_moving_eye.h | The disti::GlsMovingEye class |
gls_multi_view.h | The disti::GlsMultiView class |
gls_mutex_group.h | The disti::GlsMutexGroup class |
gls_nine_patch.h | The disti::GlsNinePatch class |
gls_nurb_curve.h | The disti::GlsNurbCurve class |
gls_odometer.h | The disti::GlsOdometer class |
gls_path_manager.h | The disti::GlsPathManager class and global enumerations |
gls_poly_line.h | The disti::GlsPolyLine class |
gls_render_effect.h | The disti::GlsRenderEffect class |
gls_resource_file_mgr.h | |
gls_schematic_poly_line_interconnect.h | The disti::GlsSchematicPolyLineInterconnect class |
gls_schematic_tee_interconnect.h | The disti::GlsSchematicTeeInterconnect class |
gls_serial_morph_mesh.h | The disti::GlsSerialMorphMesh class |
gls_sorted_draw_group.h | A sorted drawable group |
gls_sorted_drawable.h | A sorted drawable group |
gls_switch.h | The disti::GlsSwitch class |
gls_text_box.h | The disti::GlsTextBox class |
gls_text_grid.h | The disti::GlsTextGrid class |
gls_thumb_wheel.h | The disti::GlsThumbWheel class |
gls_video_to_texture.h | The GlsVideoToTexture class |