GL Studio C++ Runtime API
LocationEvent Class Reference

#include <events.h>

Inheritance diagram for LocationEvent:
DisplayEvent KeyboardEvent MouseEvent

Public Member Functions

 LocationEvent ()
 LocationEvent (const LocationEvent &source)
LocationEvent operator= (const LocationEvent &source)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DisplayEvent
 DisplayEvent ()
 DisplayEvent (const DisplayEvent &source)
virtual ~DisplayEvent ()

Public Attributes

Vector winLoc
Vector lCoords
Vector oCoords
float & x
float & y
float & z
float & lx
float & ly
float & lz
float & ox
float & oy
float & oz
- Public Attributes inherited from DisplayEvent
unsigned short eventType
unsigned short eventSubtype

Detailed Description

An event with location fields

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ LocationEvent() [1/2]

LocationEvent ( )

Because of the use of the references, all automatically generated methods must be defined to allow for copying. Default constructor

◆ LocationEvent() [2/2]

LocationEvent ( const LocationEvent source)

Copy Constructor

sourceThe event to copy from.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=()

LocationEvent operator= ( const LocationEvent source)

Assignment operator

sourceThe event to copy from.
The resulting event (this).

Member Data Documentation

◆ lCoords

Vector lCoords

x,y,z of event in logical design coordinates

◆ lx

float& lx

Reference to lCoords.x

◆ ly

float& ly

Reference to lCoords.y

◆ lz

float& lz

Reference to lCoords.z

◆ oCoords

Vector oCoords

x,y,z of event in object DCS coordinates

◆ ox

float& ox

Reference to oCoords.x

◆ oy

float& oy

Reference to oCoords.y

◆ oz

float& oz

Reference to oCoords.z

◆ winLoc

Vector winLoc

Location of the event in window coordinates x and y window coordinates in pixels. z is from 0.0 -> 1.0 and represents the depth. z == 0 is at the near cliping plane. z == 0.5 represents half way between near and far cliping planes.

◆ x

float& x

Reference to winLoc.x

◆ y

float& y

Reference to winLoc.y

◆ z

float& z

Reference to winLoc.z

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: