GL Studio C++ Runtime API
DistiAttributeBase Class Referenceabstract

#include <disti_metadata.h>

Inheritance diagram for DistiAttributeBase:
WeakReferenceableMixin WeakReferenceable DistiAttribute< std::string > DistiAttribute< Vertex > DistiAttribute< unsigned char > DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, const int, int > DistiAttributeEnum< GlsEyePoint, GlsEyePoint::FovConstraintType, GlsEyePoint::FovConstraintType > DistiAttributeEnum< GlsLightSource, int, int > DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, int, int > DistiAttributeEnum< GlsSphere, glsSphereMapping_e, glsSphereMapping_e > DistiAttributeEnumDirect< glsImageCodec > DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vector > DistiAttribute< T > DistiAttributeAlias DistiAttributeConnectionGlsAngularScaleDataArray DistiAttributeConnectionGlsLinearScaleDataArray DistiAttributeDictionaryAttribute DistiAttributeDictionaryAttributeSibling DistiAttributeDoubleArray DistiAttributeDynamicArray< T, showIndex > DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, setType, getType > DistiAttributeEnumDirect< enumType > DistiAttributeFilePathClass DistiAttributeFixedString DistiAttributeFloatArray DistiAttributeHomogeneousItemArray< T > DistiAttributeMeshFaceArray DistiAttributeStdMap< Map_t > DistiAttributeStdVector< T, showIndex > DistiAttributeString DistiAttributeVertexArray< T > DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vertex > DistiAttributeViewDataArray DistiEmptyAttribute TexturePalette::DistiAttributeTexturePalette TexturePalette::DistiAttributeTexturePalette_V21

Public Types

typedef unsigned int CallbackID
 Type for unique identifiers.

Public Member Functions

 DistiAttributeBase (CallbackMethodCallerBase *callback, const AttributeName &name, bool localStorage)
virtual DistiAttributeBaseoperator= (const DistiAttributeBase &oldClass)
const AttributeNameName () const
AttributeNameName ()
bool LocalStorage () const
virtual bool Copyable () const
virtual bool OkToWrite () const
virtual bool ValueChanged ()
virtual void ResetValueChanged ()
virtual std::string ValueString ()
virtual void ValueString (const std::string &s)
virtual long ValueInt ()
virtual void ValueInt (long val)
virtual double ValueFloat ()
virtual void ValueFloat (double val)
virtual void CallCallback ()
 Calls callback CallType3 if it has been set.
virtual std::ostream & WriteValue (std::ostream &outstr)=0
virtual std::istream & ReadValue (std::istream &instr)=0
virtual bool operator== (const DistiAttributeBase &r)
template<class valType >
DistiAttributeBaseoperator<< (const valType &val)
template<class valType >
DistiAttributeBaseoperator>> (valType &val)
virtual CallbackID RegisterObserver (AttributeObserver *observer)
virtual void UnregisterObserver (CallbackID id)
virtual void NotifyObservers ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from WeakReferenceableMixin
void AddWeakReference (WeakReference *weakRef) override
void NotifyWeakReferenceDestroyed (WeakReference *ref) override
virtual void AddWeakReference (WeakReference *weakRef)=0
virtual void NotifyWeakReferenceDestroyed (WeakReference *weakReference)=0

Protected Attributes

AttributeName _name
ScopedPtr< DistiAttributeObserverList > _observerList
bool _localStorage
- Protected Attributes inherited from WeakReferenceableMixin
DynamicArray< WeakReference * > * _weakRefs


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &outstr, const DistiAttributeBase &attribute)
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &instr, DistiAttributeBase &attribute)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from WeakReferenceableMixin
 WeakReferenceableMixin ()
virtual ~WeakReferenceableMixin ()

Detailed Description

This is the base class for all Disti Attributes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DistiAttributeBase()

DistiAttributeBase ( CallbackMethodCallerBase callback,
const AttributeName name,
bool  localStorage 


callbackThe method to call when the value changes. A duplicate of the CallbackMethodCallerBase is created and stored internally.
nameThe name of the attribute
localStorageTrue if this DistiAttribute contains actual storage, rather than just a pointer to somebody elses storage

Member Function Documentation

◆ Copyable()

virtual bool Copyable ( ) const

It is not a word, but it means it is able to be copied.

By default, will only copy if it contains local storage
True if it makes sense for the data to be copied.

Reimplemented in DistiAttribute< T >, DistiAttribute< std::string >, DistiAttribute< Vertex >, and DistiAttribute< unsigned char >.

◆ LocalStorage()

bool LocalStorage ( ) const
True if this object has local storage.

◆ Name() [1/2]

AttributeName & Name ( )
The name of this object.

◆ Name() [2/2]

const AttributeName & Name ( ) const
The name of this object.

◆ NotifyObservers()

virtual void NotifyObservers ( )

Triggers all observers to have their callbacks called. Typically called by the class that owns the DistiAttributeBase

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeAlias.

◆ OkToWrite()

◆ operator<<()

DistiAttributeBase & operator<< ( const valType &  val)

Allow for generic access to some data types. This will NOT work for types which: s << val does not work. In general if the WriteValue is overridden, then it probably will not work.

valThe new value to set.
The updated attribute (this).

◆ operator=()

◆ operator==()

virtual bool operator== ( const DistiAttributeBase r)

Compares name and value.

This can be overriden to improve speed.
rThe attribute to compare.
Whether or not the attributes have the same name and value.

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeAlias, DistiAttribute< T >, DistiAttribute< std::string >, DistiAttribute< Vertex >, DistiAttribute< unsigned char >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< T >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vector >, and DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vertex >.

◆ operator>>()

DistiAttributeBase & operator>> ( valType &  val)

Allows for generic access to some data types. This will NOT work for types which: s >> val does not work. In general if the ReadValue is overridden, then it probably will not work.

valThe value to be returned.
This attribute (unmodified, unless there are side effects).

◆ ReadValue()

virtual std::istream & ReadValue ( std::istream &  instr)
pure virtual

Pure virtual because this is specific to the data type to be contained. This should be overridden to read the data from the stream. The value read could be encoded for being read from a file as a single string, or have its own special encoding specific to its underlying type. In the case of attribute strings, this will be the GLS file encoded value. The user is responsible for encoding the value themselves, or using WriteValue which should perform encoding to maintain symmetry.

instrThe stream to read from.
The input stream in its current state.

Implemented in DistiAttributeMeshFaceArray, DistiAttributeConnectionGlsAngularScaleDataArray, DistiAttributeConnectionGlsLinearScaleDataArray, DistiAttributeViewDataArray, DistiAttribute< T >, DistiAttribute< std::string >, DistiAttribute< Vertex >, DistiAttribute< unsigned char >, DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, setType, getType >, DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, const int, int >, DistiAttributeEnum< GlsEyePoint, GlsEyePoint::FovConstraintType, GlsEyePoint::FovConstraintType >, DistiAttributeEnum< GlsLightSource, int, int >, DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, int, int >, DistiAttributeEnum< GlsSphere, glsSphereMapping_e, glsSphereMapping_e >, DistiAttributeFilePathClass, DistiAttributeCWDRelativePath, DistiAttributeUCharOrBool, DistiAttributeFloatArray, DistiAttributeDoubleArray, DistiAttributeString, DistiAttributeEncodedString, DistiAttributeEncodedStdString, DistiAttributeFixedString, DistiAttributeStdString, DistiAttributeLocation, DistiAttributeDictionaryAttribute, DistiAttributeDictionaryAttributeSibling, DistiAttributeStdMap< Map_t >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< T >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vector >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vertex >, DistiAttributeTexturePointArray, DistiAttributeAlias, DistiAttributeDynamicArray< T, showIndex >, DistiAttributeStdVector< T, showIndex >, DistiAttributeHomogeneousItemArray< T >, DistiAttributeProperty< containerT, T, SetArgT, GetReturnT >, DistiEmptyAttribute, DistiAttributeEnumDirect< enumType >, DistiAttributeEnumDirect< glsImageCodec >, GlsTextCharAttr, TexturePalette::DistiAttributeTexturePalette_V21, and TexturePalette::DistiAttributeTexturePalette.

◆ RegisterObserver()

virtual CallbackID RegisterObserver ( AttributeObserver observer)

Register a callback that is called when the value of the attribute changes. If multiple oservers are registered, they will be notified in the order they registered. DistiAttributeBase takes ownership of the observer and will delete it.

observerthe observer to notify. It is automatically unregistered and destroyed when it becomes invalid.
an id that can be used to unregister the observer

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeAlias.

◆ ResetValueChanged()

virtual void ResetValueChanged ( )

Saves the current value for later comparison by ValueChanged().

This does nothing in the base class.

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeAlias.

◆ UnregisterObserver()

virtual void UnregisterObserver ( CallbackID  id)

Unregister an observer

idthe id returned when the observer was registered

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeAlias.

◆ ValueChanged()

virtual bool ValueChanged ( )
This is not implmented in the base class and will always return true if not overridden.
True if the object's value has changed since calling ResetValueChanged().

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeAlias.

◆ ValueFloat() [1/2]

virtual double ValueFloat ( )

Allows for faster access to floating-point types than the more generic stream operators.

This is only faster if it is overridden.
The double value of this attribute.

Reimplemented in DistiAttribute< T >, DistiAttribute< std::string >, DistiAttribute< Vertex >, DistiAttribute< unsigned char >, DistiAttributeAlias, and DistiAttributeProperty< containerT, T, SetArgT, GetReturnT >.

◆ ValueFloat() [2/2]

virtual void ValueFloat ( double  val)

Allows for faster access to floating-point types than the more generic stream operator.

This is only faster if it is overridden.
valThe new double value to set.

Reimplemented in DistiAttribute< T >, DistiAttribute< std::string >, DistiAttribute< Vertex >, DistiAttribute< unsigned char >, DistiAttributeAlias, and DistiAttributeProperty< containerT, T, SetArgT, GetReturnT >.

◆ ValueInt() [1/2]

◆ ValueInt() [2/2]

◆ ValueString() [1/2]

virtual std::string ValueString ( )

Here in the base class it uses WriteValue(). If this particular attribute's underlying type is a string, this returns the unencoded value, suitable for users. If a file encoded value is required, call WriteValue instead.

The std::string version of the attribute data.

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeEncodedString, DistiAttributeEncodedStdString, DistiAttributeAlias, and DistiAttributeProperty< containerT, T, SetArgT, GetReturnT >.

◆ ValueString() [2/2]

virtual void ValueString ( const std::string &  s)

Sets the value from a std::string argument. Here in the base class it uses ReadValue(). If this particular attribute's underlying type is a string, this should not be set to an encoded value. If needing to set from an encoded value, call ReadValue instead.

sThe string value to set.

Reimplemented in DistiAttributeEncodedString, DistiAttributeEncodedStdString, DistiAttributeAlias, and DistiAttributeProperty< containerT, T, SetArgT, GetReturnT >.

◆ WriteValue()

virtual std::ostream & WriteValue ( std::ostream &  outstr)
pure virtual

Pure virtual because this is specific to the data type to be contained. This should be overridden to write the data to the stream. The value written could be encoded for writing to a file as a single string, or have its own special encoding specific to its underlying type. In the case of attribute strings, this will be the GLS file encoded value. The user is responsible for decoding the value themselves, or using ReadValue which should perform decoding to maintain symmetry.

outstrThe stream to write to.
The output stream in its current state.

Implemented in DistiAttributeMeshFaceArray, DistiAttributeConnectionGlsAngularScaleDataArray, DistiAttributeConnectionGlsLinearScaleDataArray, DistiAttributeViewDataArray, DistiAttribute< T >, DistiAttribute< std::string >, DistiAttribute< Vertex >, DistiAttribute< unsigned char >, DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, setType, getType >, DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, const int, int >, DistiAttributeEnum< GlsEyePoint, GlsEyePoint::FovConstraintType, GlsEyePoint::FovConstraintType >, DistiAttributeEnum< GlsLightSource, int, int >, DistiAttributeEnum< containerClass, int, int >, DistiAttributeEnum< GlsSphere, glsSphereMapping_e, glsSphereMapping_e >, DistiAttributeFilePathClass, DistiAttributeCWDRelativePath, DistiAttributeUCharOrBool, DistiAttributeFloatArray, DistiAttributeDoubleArray, DistiAttributeString, DistiAttributeEncodedString, DistiAttributeEncodedStdString, DistiAttributeFixedString, DistiAttributeStdString, DistiAttributeLocation, DistiAttributeDictionaryAttribute, DistiAttributeDictionaryAttributeSibling, DistiAttributeStdMap< Map_t >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< T >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vector >, DistiAttributeVertexArray< Vertex >, DistiAttributeTexturePointArray, DistiAttributeAlias, DistiAttributeDynamicArray< T, showIndex >, DistiAttributeStdVector< T, showIndex >, DistiAttributeHomogeneousItemArray< T >, DistiAttributeProperty< containerT, T, SetArgT, GetReturnT >, DistiEmptyAttribute, DistiAttributeEnumDirect< enumType >, DistiAttributeEnumDirect< glsImageCodec >, GlsTextCharAttr, TexturePalette::DistiAttributeTexturePalette_V21, and TexturePalette::DistiAttributeTexturePalette.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator<<

std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  outstr,
const DistiAttributeBase attribute 

Stream out operator.

Internally it uses WriteValue().
outstrStream to write path to.
attributeThe value to write to the stream.
The stream in its current state.

◆ operator>>

std::istream & operator>> ( std::istream &  instr,
DistiAttributeBase attribute 

Stream in operator.

Internally it uses ReadValue().
instrThe stream to read from.
attributeThe returned value read from the stream.
The stream in its current state.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _callback

CallbackMethodCallerBase* _callback

The callback which is called when the value of this object changes

◆ _localStorage

bool _localStorage

_localStorage is true if this attributes data should be copied. It would typically be set false if the data is stored externally, and there is no need to copy the data through metadata. It is also used to determine if storage should be deleted.

◆ _name

AttributeName _name

The name of this attribute

◆ _observerList

ScopedPtr<DistiAttributeObserverList> _observerList

The list of observers to be notified when this property changes.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: